cover image: Family Care Teams - A Health Policy Framework for Newfoundland and Labrador


Family Care Teams - A Health Policy Framework for Newfoundland and Labrador

31 Oct 2023

Effective PHC requires a culture and system designed to be responsive to individual and population health needs.2 Family Care Teams provide a framework to reorganize and expand on existing community-based health services and to modernize and increase the adaptability and agility of the Newfoundland and Labrador health care system. [...] These include: recruitment and retention of health care providers (HCP), limited access and continuity of care for individuals and their families, efficient use of fiscal resources and system sustainability, and addressing the factors that influence health the most – the social determinants of health (SDH). [...] The vision of HANL is to improve health and health outcomes of Newfoundlanders and Labradorians through acceptance of and interventions in the SDH, and a higher quality health system that rebalances community, hospital, and long-term care services over a ten-year timeframe. [...] Primary Health Care Strategic Health Network (SHN) Reports/Accountable To: Family Care Team Provincial Steering Committee /Newfoundland and Labrador Health Services Health Advisory Council Purpose: To oversee the implementation and evaluation and support the sustainability of the Family Care Teams. [...] Integration goes beyond the care provided within a Family Care Team and addresses care provided across the entire health care continuum, including the harmonization and partnership with community- based practices and well developed pathways and protocols to access secondary and tertiary health centres across Newfoundland and Labrador when needed.
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