cover image: The Architecture of Anti-Palestinian Elimination: Legal Fallacies, False Analogies, and Inverted Realities


The Architecture of Anti-Palestinian Elimination: Legal Fallacies, False Analogies, and Inverted Realities

25 Oct 2023

“Israeli forces have killed and under the rubble; 2 million deliberately cut o from food, injured thousands of Palestinian civilians in the OPT water, fuel, and electricity, unrelieved by the constricted [Occupied Palestinian Territories] since 1967, often trickle of aid nally allowed through; orders for the in circumstances suggesting that the killings were “evacuation”-cum-depopulation of the St. [...] that the police ocers ignored her when she told them Beyond the harm suered by individuals and families as he had special needs” (Haaretz, July 2023); “Israeli a result of the intrusion into their homes, this practice soldier fatally shoots Palestinian toddler Muhammad eectively serves as a means to oppress and intimidate Tamimi in the head while child is in a car next to his the Palestinian popul. [...] e very fact that Israel could so quickly turn Gaza into Evidently, “terrorism” is de昀椀ned not by the a mass execution chamber, sealed o from food, water, nature of the acts, but by the identity of and other necessities and without any pathways of escape, is proof that its totalizing control over Gaza has never the perpetrators: a hallmark of racist and ceased. [...] ere is no half-mast Canadian ag for the mounting e illegality of the occupation and its practices of land thousands of dead Gazans, no Parliament Hill lit up annexation and apartheid, re-conrmed by a recent UN in the Palestinian colours of red, black, white, and study, is never mentioned at all. [...] European doctrines and methods of anti-Indigenous elimination in the “Americas” drew precedents from the West’s centuries of anti-Jewish persecution and pogroms, the guilt for which is now transferred to the Palestinians to justify the eliminatory violence against them: a viciously genocidal circle.
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