cover image: Annual Report 20222023


Annual Report 20222023

19 Oct 2023

fully trained in how to respond to trauma and the diverse circumstances people bring to us We saw the tenacity and perseverance the continues to be a key priority for us. [...] Training our staff Training our staff to make sure they have conversations about the application of these all the skills to both listen to and investigate concepts to the specific work that we do. [...] At the same time, our delivery and reconciliation, conducting a full updated guidance helps to ensure that our review of our operational policies to identify interpretation of the Act remains consistent, ways in which we can update our policies meaningful and persuasive for the public and procedures to provide better service bodies we investigate. [...] a miscommunication between the hospital With the miscommunication resolved and and the Coroners Service – the hospital had Leyla’s request under review by the Coroners not provided complete identifying information Service, we closed the file. [...] the CRT informed her that a decision had been To remedy the communication issues found in emailed to her several months prior and that the our investigation, the CRT agreed to modify the 28-day time limit had passed to submit a Notice template it sends when a tribunal member is of Objection should she have wished to dispute assigned to a file to include the email address the decision.
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