cover image: By-law No. 1 The General By-law of the Ontario Professional Planners Institute


By-law No. 1 The General By-law of the Ontario Professional Planners Institute

20 Nov 2023

1.1.5 In this By-law, the term “members’ meeting” refers, depending on the context of its use, to an annual meeting of the members of the Institute or to a special meeting of the members of the Institute or to both an annual meeting of the members of the Institute and a special meeting of the members of the Institute. [...] 2.2.7 Membership in the Institute shall cease when a member: dies or resigns; is removed from the register of the Institute by virtue of being in default of dues, fees, penalties or assessments; is removed from the register of the Institute by virtue of the operation of its by-laws; is removed from the register of the Institute by consequence of a breach of the Prof. [...] on the third (3rd) business day preceding the day of the meeting called for the purpose or otherwise at the time and date set for the determination of the matter; and shall accept ballots delivered by hand to the Executive Director at the office of the Institute, up to 5 p.m. [...] 9.2 Notice and Meeting The Executive Director shall provide a notice in accordance with the provisions of this By-law of a members’ meeting called for the purposes of confirming a by-law or amendment, which notice shall include the text of the by-law or amendment together with an explanation of the purpose and effect thereof and specifying the date, time and place of the meeting called for the pur. [...] 1.1.5 In this By-law, the term “members’ meeting” refers, depending on the context of its use, to an annual meeting of the members of the Institute or to a special meeting of the members of the Institute or to both an annual meeting of the members of ...


Sandy Cardarelli

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