cover image: Prosper Canada: Increasing Access to Benefits for Peoples with Disabilities Project


Prosper Canada: Increasing Access to Benefits for Peoples with Disabilities Project

3 Nov 2023

For the Increasing Access to Benefits for Peoples • Which can be used by more organizations to be with Disabilities Project, our project team used able to provide an access to benefits service to service design to consider the experiences and support and help remove barriers to benefits perspectives of people with disabilities, systems access for people with disabilities. [...] participated by sharing their lived experience with service design the access to benefits process, participating in the ideation and design of the service and tool, testing the prototypes, and finally using the service and tool during the pilot and providing their feedback. [...] advocate on the topic of one of the four benefits One of the main objectives of the project was to will be asked to visit the Disability Benefits enable people with disabilities to self-advocate for Users of the Disability Benefits Compass tool Compass to learn about the four key disability disability benefits if they had the desire, capacity, provided suggestions on how to improve the tool: benef. [...] Compass tool is doing its job in terms of providing Keys to a successful access to benefits service a clear and helpful resource to help increase access Key ingredients for organizations to begin For an access to benefits service to be successful to government benefits for people with disabilities an Access to Benefits service for peoples with disabilities there needs to be engagement and buy-in o. [...] Time tool workshops and education workshops for way, I wasn’t going to bother.” is needed to build trust with clients, to engage clients, partners, and referral organizations can be Person with a disability them in benefits and money conversations and conducted to introduce the service and describe encourage them to do navigation on their own or how to use the tool and share the benefits for a to.
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