cover image: CIGI Papers No. 286 — November 2023 - The Governance Gap: Preparing Professions for


CIGI Papers No. 286 — November 2023 - The Governance Gap: Preparing Professions for

27 Nov 2023

For the most part, the people joining these professions do so with the and UK Professional intention of serving a public good, whether that good is the promotion of health, the protection of Governance rights or the public accessibility of shared space. [...] there should be a list of practitioners, that only Under an Act of 1540 the four Censors of the persons of proved competence should get on to College were given power to enter apothecaries’ the list and that to persons on the list all or some houses, to examine drugs, and to destroy them if of the professional functions should be reserved” defective….[It] was characteristic of the times that (ibid. [...] One of the most important and active types While the value of these organizations can seem of professional governance is navigating and obvious from the perspective of the field of practice, ensuring that external actors recognize the diversity and specialization of large industries 10 CIGI Papers No. [...] made; in other words, the relationship between the doctor, the tool producer and, in some cases, The role of professional governance is to the person who made the decision to use the tool. [...] The dangerous ambiguity and enables individuals to underlying idea of contracts is that the parties call on the collective power of their profession, both involved in a relationship are able to freely and of which are hugely important to preserving the fairly negotiate the terms of those relationships cohesion, consistency and integrity of the field.
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