cover image: 2023-11-15 Supporting International Learners through the Industry and Community Connector Hub


2023-11-15 Supporting International Learners through the Industry and Community Connector Hub

15 Nov 2023

Barriers and International students struggle to build the cultural and social capital necessary Opportunities to succeed in the local labor market. [...] 2 1 2023-11-15 Supporting International Learners Transition to life and careers in Canada Networking and building social capital Understanding the Canadian labour market and workplace culture Skill Articulation and translating previous work experience and skills for prospective employers 3 INDUSTRY & COMMUNITY CONNECTOR HUB - ICHub Career Skills Industry Career Planning/ Career Community Developme. [...] I compared my results with those of my teammates, and we collaborated to develop our goals for our marketing strategy. [...] As I have a background in video production, I used my leadership skills to guide my team through a video-creation process for our final presentation, providing software demonstrations so they could participate in the video creation, and offering constructive feedback until we came up with a product we were all proud of." 7 Meeting Industry Needs "I had a wonderful experience taking the Community a. [...] Despite the challenges of having the semester completely online, the course provided me with opportunities to connect with new people and develop my communication skills.



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