Canada’s CPTPP Leadership in 2024: Managing the Rival Accession Bids of China and Taiwan

Canada’s CPTPP Leadership in 2024: Managing the Rival Accession Bids of China and Taiwan

1 Nov 2023

Table of Contents Introduction Considering Applications on Merit Assessing Taiwan’s Bid Can China Meet the Agreement’s Standards? Moving Forward With CPTPP Expansion About the Author Canadian Global Affairs Institute Introduction The Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) is one of the world’s biggest mega-regional trade agreements, encompassing over 15 per cent of global GDP. It originated as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), until the U.S. withdrew from the agreement under the Trump administration. The remaining 11 members – Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam – went ahead with the pact, which became the CPTPP in 2018. The U.K. became the first new member to join the group in 2023, increasing its size by 25 per cent. Taiwan and China both applied to join the CPTPP in 2021. However, both of their applications have been on hold while the U.K. – which was the first country to apply to join the pact – accession process played out. The CPTPP’s members must now decide what to do about Taiwan and China’s applications. The chair of the CPTPP rotates each year, and Canada will be taking the helm next year. Canada should use this opportunity to show leadership in moving forward and opening formal negotiations for Taiwan’s accession. China’s bid, however, must be treated with considerable caution, given significant concerns about whether it meets the criteria for accession and could be trusted to adhere to the terms of the agreement. TOP OF PAGE
human rights china economics international law international trade canada taiwan tpp policy perspective indo-pacific international politics cptpp international institutions kristen hopewell diplomacy & global governance


Kristen Hopewell

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