cover image: CIGI Papers No. 287 — November 2023 - Clearing the Fog The Grey Zones of Space


CIGI Papers No. 287 — November 2023 - Clearing the Fog The Grey Zones of Space

30 Nov 2023

Clearing the Fog: The Grey Zones of Space Governance 1 The term “grey zone” is used by militaries to of grey zones in outer space by better defining indicate the absence of boundaries between the contours of peaceful and non-peaceful uses conventional notions of war and peace, and the of outer space, making space activities and their use of non-kinetic and innovative tactics that potential harms m. [...] space threats and the upcoming UN Group of Governmental Experts (GGE) on Further Practical The paper begins by shifting the focus on the Measures for the Prevention of an Arms Race grey zone from a matter of tactics to a problem in Outer Space, bilateral initiatives such as the of governance. [...] The concept In this paper, the authors peel back the layers of reminds us of the Cold War standoff between opacity that shroud the grey zone to reveal some the United States and the Soviet Union, when of these unsettled governance issues that give direct confrontation risked escalation to the rise to it, expand its scope and result in hidden use of nuclear weapons (Stoker and Whiteside harms. [...] And more states are calls the persistent belief in the separateness and signing on to the Artemis Accords to enable new specialness of space as an isolated environment multinational and commercial activities on the the “myth of sanctuary.” Indeed, space systems Moon. [...] of existing law to cyberspace through the Tallinn Manual and the McGill Manual of the military This overlap with earthly domains expands the uses of outer space barely reference the other scope of the grey zone in space governance and domain.
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