cover image: Department of Health - ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2023

Department of Health - ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2023

5 Dec 2023

We established the Health Human Resources Division, an expansion of the Health Workforce Planning branch, which now has a more active, leading provincial role in the promotion, attraction, and recruitment of health professionals across the province and saw net increases in the number of nurses and doctors recruited to the province. [...] Bridge the gapp – The Department of Health continued its focus on increasing awareness and promoting the use of the website Bridge the gapp as a mental health and addiction resource to help New Brunswickers access services, gain information, and navigate the system. [...] The branch prepares responses to requests under the Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act and coordinates appointments to the agencies, boards and commissions within the responsibility of the department. [...] 104 An Act to Amend the Public June 10, 2022 To enable the Minister of Health and Health Act medical officers of health to continue the COVID-19 response and to respond to future public health events, An Act to Amend the Public Health Act was amended to: • allow orders and notices related to notifiable diseases to be published on ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2023 40 DATE OF ROYAL BILL # NAME OF LEGISLATION. [...] Focus 2 An environment and climate that encourages, for all employees, the use of the Official Language of their choice in the workplace: • The department continues to ensure new employees are oriented on the Language of Work policy and guidelines at the time of hire.

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