cover image: Council of Europe Treaty Negotiations on Artificial Intelligence CBA PALS,ILS,


Council of Europe Treaty Negotiations on Artificial Intelligence CBA PALS,ILS,

20 Oct 2023

There is evidence that visa rejections are rooted in discriminatory, colonial histories.3 The potential of AI integration depends on a seamless transition of transparent, responsible and equitable incorporation of tools, and on the focus of the design, development and use of AI used to this end. [...] The AIBoR aims to respond to the unrestrained potential of automated systems and is based on the preservation of five fundamental rights:38 • Safe and Effective Systems to safeguard the public from the dangers of automated systems, independent evaluation and reporting on the system’s safety and efficacy should be performed regularly. [...] These governing organizations and bodies are similarly guided by the emergence and development of digital rights and freedoms, such as respect for human dignity, freedom of the individual, respect for democracy, justice and the rule of law, equality, non-discrimination, and solidarity, and citizens’ rights (i.e., human autonomy, prevention of harm, fairness, and explicability).40 These are instrum. [...] Article 6 (Integrity of democratic processes and respect for rule of law): As respect for the rule of law is fundamental to a properly functioning democracy and democratic processes, any uses of AI systems that may “undermine the integrity, independence and effectiveness of democratic institutions and processes, including respect for judicial independence and the principle of separation of powers”. [...] Do you see additional risks to the development and use of AI in relation to the protection of human rights, democracy and rule of law other than those already addressed in the draft Treaty? 3.



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