cover image: Bear Lake Wind Power Project Environmental Assessment Registration Document (EARD) -


Bear Lake Wind Power Project Environmental Assessment Registration Document (EARD) -

20 Nov 2023

We additionally encourage the Minister of Natural Resources and Renewables and/or the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board to require a mandatory clause in the PPA between NSPI and the proponent that ensures at the very least that the needs of the provincial grid during periods of peak demand and emergencies outweigh hydrogen production, prior to official approval. [...] Similar to the federal Impact Assessment process, a plan for public participation and engagement opportunities for the rest of the project could be formed which may also highlight regular meetings and with the CLC and how information will be disseminated to the greater public. [...] Associated data and reports conducted through the EA process and over the course of the project’s lifetime should be made available freely and indefinitely to promote data sovereignty, transparency, and understanding within the communities and rightsholders that steward the land and waterways in the study area. [...] For the purposes of this report, only those points within the Study Area have been included.” The proponent should have used the ACCDC records within 5km of the Study Area (not just within the study area) to guide surveys within the Study Area (i.e., species within 5km of the Study Area should be searched for within the Study Area). [...] “There is, however, a stretch of Core Habitat adjacent/through the Study Area.” “Although some area considered to be high-quality Mainland moose habitat will require alteration or removal to construct the Project, the design has maximized the use of existing infrastructure and disturbed areas such that the overall area of habitat loss is small and the direct impacts to moose habitat are expected t.


Dean Gallant

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