cover image: Report of the last PICES-MAFF Project on Building Local Warning Networks for the

Report of the last PICES-MAFF Project on Building Local Warning Networks for the

27 Nov 2023

PowerPoint Presentation Report of the last PICES-MAFF Project on Building Local Warning Networks for the Detection and Human Dimension of Ciguatera Fish Poisoning in Indonesian Communities (CIGUATERA) • Objective: To build the capacity of local small-scale fishers and community members to monitor their coastal ecosystems and coastal fisheries • Focus: 1) to develop coastal monitoring activities by. [...] Data gathered as a result of this project activity (hereafter simply termed “data”) are used for the Indonesian government and local small-scale fishers and community members to monitor their coastal ecosystems and coastal fisheries for conservation and development. [...] The quality assurance of data is the responsibility of the data provider and the community to which the data provider belongs. [...] PICES will respect the priority rights and any restrictions placed on these data by the data provider and community/organization/government to which the data provider belongs. [...] スライド 4: Agenda スライド 5: Report of the last PICES-MAFF Project on Building Local Warning Networks for the Detection and Human Dimension of Ciguatera Fish Poisoning in Indonesian Communities (CIGUATERA) スライド 6 スライド 7 スライド 8 スライド 9 スライド 10: Project support in Indonesia (MOU signed) スライド 11: The Bow-tie model of the project (big picture) スライド 12: Project cycle management スライド 13 スライド 14: Problem Design.


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