cover image: Defining the Mental Health and Addictions ‘Basket of Core Services’ to Be Publicly Funded in Ontario


Defining the Mental Health and Addictions ‘Basket of Core Services’ to Be Publicly Funded in Ontario

18 Oct 2016

The views expressed in the dialogue summary are the views of the dialogue participants and should not be taken to represent the views of the funders, McMaster University or the authors of the dialogue summary. [...] The evidence brief does not contain points and financial arrangements, Ontario continues to recommendations, which would have required the face challenges in planning for and providing mental authors of the brief to make judgments based on their health and addictions services that meet the needs of personal values and preferences, and which could pre- the population. [...] Compounding the challenges created by the lack of a basket of core services are persistent gaps in information about Ontarians’ needs and preferences for and use of mental health and addictions services, as well as the quality and outcomes of these services.(6) While there are several efforts addressing information gaps in the province, such as the development and implementation of the Ontario Com [...] Mental health and addictions agencies and hospitals are contracted to deliver a heterogeneous array of services, and some services are not publicly funded The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care provides funding to the LHINs, which in turn contract with mental health and addictions agencies and with hospitals to provide an array of services to support their respective population’s mental health [...] To promote elements for addressing the problem discussion about the services to be included in such a basket, The available research evidence about the evidence brief has been organized according to three elements for addressing the problem was elements, each corresponding with a set of services designed to sought from PubMed, ACCESSSS, and the meet the needs of a group located primarily at a part
health education politics school systematic reviews alcoholism behavioural sciences counselling medicine mental illness social sciences depression therapy stigma harm reduction further education health treatment mental and behavioural disorder assertive community treatment antidepressants antidepressant cognitive behavioral therapy anxiety disorder clinical psychology behaviour therapy cognitive behavioural therapy behavioural therapy emergency psychiatry

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Hamilton, ON, CA

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