
Health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being in which disease and infirmity are absent.



IISD: International Institute for Sustainable Development · 18 July 2024 English

The Scaling Urban Nature-based Solutions for Climate Adaptation in Sub-Saharan Africa (SUNCASA) project aims to enhance climate resilience, gender equality and social inclusion, and biodiversity protection in urban communities in …

climate change hazards in Dire Dawa. Community health and the local economy are at risk from heat,

UCP: University of Calgary Press · 15 July 2024 English

Invisible Lives chronicles cycles of dysfunction and domestic violence. Using experimental hybrid poetry, Cristalle Smith breaks generational silence in lyric resonance, reflecting on a childhood rife with upheaval and poverty, …

wall. She’s kept it for years, ever since her health food stores in Calgary and Airdrie shut down.

MQUP: McGill-Queen's University Press · 15 July 2024 English

Western modernity is characterized by instrumental relations between humans and nature, as well as between humans themselves, that have caused irreversible environmental and social exploitation and degradation. Many policy documents, …

illustration of the proliferation of anxiety and mental health crises among the world’s populations. How, then when ‘an activity raises threats of harm to human health or the environ- ment, precautionary measures should Dust Bowl, this led to severe soil erosion, human health impacts and the abandonment of farms by tens of

MQUP: McGill-Queen's University Press · 15 July 2024 English

An Accidental History of Canada explores accidents, their causes, consequences, and afterlife, in colonial, Indigenous, and urban contexts, from the 1630s to the 1970s. These investigations make plain that accidents …

Healthcare Studies in the History of Medicine, Health, and Society Series editors: J.T.H. Connor and series presents books in the history of medicine, health studies, and social policy, exploring interactions protection of a fun- damental human right: the right to health. Volumes in this series have received financial of the history of medicine and the education of health- care professionals, and by making strategic investments Lori Jones 60 The Smile Gap A History of Oral Health and Social Inequality Catherine Carstairs 61

MQUP: McGill-Queen's University Press · 15 July 2024 English

Friendless or Forsaken? is the story of child emigration agencies operating in North West England from 1860 to 1935. The book traces the imperial relationships, transnational economy, religious networks and …

historians on criminal justice, welfare, education, health, and other areas of social change and social pol- Poor, 1750s–1830s Steven King 2 The People’s Health Health Intervention and Delivery in Mao’s China, 1949–1983 and upper-class officials to regulate the wealth, health, morals, and family life of the cities’ workers emigration were based on institutional assessments of health, education, and criminal activity of children and environ- 38 Friendless or Forsaken?ments on children’s health and morals, they also treated working-class children

MQUP: McGill-Queen's University Press · 15 July 2024 English

at hospitals run by the navy. Early Modern Naval Health Care in England examines the factors responsible for the emergence of centralized naval health care over the course of a century. In 1650 sick and seamen – and it was done mostly by women. Beginning at the turn of the eighteenth century, naval health care moved to a more centralized system based in hospitals, where the conduct of sailors and care settings, most care for convalescing sailors continued to be provided by women. Early Modern Naval Health Care in England shines a light on the care work that lay behind England’s formidable Royal Navy during

Early ModErn naval HEaltH CarE in England, 1650–1750Mcgill-QuEEn’s/aMs HEaltHCarE studiEs in tHE History History of MEdiCinE, HEaltH, and soCiEty Series editors: J.T.H. Connor and Erika Dyck This series presents presents books in the history of medicine, health studies, and social policy, ex- ploring interactions protection of a fundamental human right: the right to health. Volumes in this series have received financial Ambulance on Safari The ANC and the Making of a Health Department in Exile Melissa Diane Armstrong 54

Fraser Institute · 9 July 2024

years ahead, British Columbia is on track to become a high-debt province. This transformation in the health of BC’s finances has been the result of a fundamental shift in the government’s approach to government

DDN: Dundurn Press · 9 July 2024 English

From Trench Town to the top of the world — one man's inspiring fight for meaning, dignity, and respect. Tiga’s Tale chronicles the remarkable life of world champion boxer Barrington …

of information and education about reproductive health in a highly religious community. She genuinely

Fraser Institute · 9 July 2024

years ahead, British Columbia is on track to become a high-debt province. This transformation in the health of BC’s finances has been the result of a fundamental shift in the government’s approach to government

DDN: Dundurn Press · 2 July 2024 English

The story of the audacious showman who built the greatest carnival dynasty in North America.Enter the realm of the carnie king, Patty Conklin, the flamboyant founder of what would become …

unknown. The Renkers have each other and keep their health for most of the voyage. They do not have a clear own, the games became essential to the financial health of carnival companies, the take from them keeping

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