Smart Prosperity Institute
part of University of Ottawa
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Smart Prosperity Institute is a national research network & policy think tank focused on practical policies & market solutions for a stronger, cleaner economy. Made up of business, environment, policy and academic leaders, the Smart Prosperity Institute (formerly, Sustainable Prosperity) is a national green economy think tank/do tank. They harness leading-edge thinking to advance innovation in policy and markets, in the pursuit of a greener, more competitive Canadian economy. At the same time, SPI actively helps broker real-world solutions by bringing public and private sector decision-makers to the table with expert researchers to both design and apply innovative policies and programs. They believe that achieving the necessary innovation in policy and markets for a stronger, greener Canadian economy requires a new knowledge base and new conversations. SPI’s approach is to promote both. They: generate policy-relevant, expert knowledge; foster innovative conversations and connections; and inform smart policy solutions.