
An abstract is a brief summary of a research article, thesis, review, conference proceeding, or any in-depth analysis of a particular subject and is often used to help the reader quickly ascertain the paper's purpose. When used, an abstract always appears at the beginning of a manuscript or typescript, acting as the point-of-entry for any given academic paper or patent application. Abstracting and indexing services for various academic disciplines are aimed at compiling a body of literature for that particular subject. The terms précis or synopsis are used in some publications to refer to the same thing that other publications …



CIHI: Canadian Institute for Health Information · 16 January 2025 English

Summary of data quality issues for the given fiscal year for the Hospital Morbidity Database (HMDB). This document contains information on HMDB coverage, non-response, etc., for 2023-2024.

Canadian Institute for Health Information. DAD Abstracting Manual 2023–2024. 2023. Canadian Institute for

CIHI: Canadian Institute for Health Information · 17 December 2024 English

Tools and guidelines on submitting data to the Canadian Joint Replacement Registry.

Database (DAD) under Group 20. Refer to the DAD Abstracting Manual for details about DAD submission and Prosthesis Information (CJRR) in the NACRS Abstracting Manual for guidelines on day surgeries. Privacy 20 based on instructions outlined in the DAD Abstracting Manual. 3. National Ambulatory Care Reporting based on instructions outlined in the NACRS Abstracting Manual.8 Canadian Joint Replacement Registry

New Brunswick Department of Health · 7 October 2024 English

Hip Fracture Fixation – Percent Completed within 48 hours Glossary of Terms Introduction Annual Report of Hospital Services INTRODUCTION The Annual Report of Hospital Services provides a summary of the …

Health Authorities had implemented level of care abstracting as far back as 1997-1998. Inpatient Level of 2001, all RHAs have implemented level of care abstracting. Note 2: Source data for separations and total 2001, all RHAs have implemented level of care abstracting. Note 2: Source data were extracted from the 2001, all RHAs have implemented level of care abstracting. Note 2: Source data were extracted from the 2001, all RHAs have implemented level of care abstracting. Note 2: Source data were extracted from the

NSP: New Society Publishers · 10 September 2024 English

The essential bestselling guide to designing and leading useful and effective group conversations, now completely revised and updated Integrating over 60 years of research and development, this essential guide to …

meaning or conclusions, intellectual- izing or abstracting, judging responses as right or wrong If this

CIHI: Canadian Institute for Health Information · 19 August 2024 English

​​​Provides information on the quality of the Discharge Abstract Database for a given fiscal year.

collection instructions, can be found in the DAD Abstracting Manual. For a summary of the mandatory and optional conjunction with the DAD Abstracting Manual. Please refer to the DAD Abstracting Manual or contact CIHI Canadian Institute for Health Information. DAD Abstracting Manual, 2022–2023. 2022. Canadian Institute for

CIHI: Canadian Institute for Health Information · 19 August 2024 English

​​​Provides information on the quality of the National Ambulatory Care Reporting System database for a given fiscal year.

collection instructions, can be found in the NACRS Abstracting Manual. For a summary of the mandatory and optional conjunction with the NACRS Abstracting Manual. Please refer to the NACRS Abstracting Manual or contact CIHI Canadian Institute for Health Information. NACRS Abstracting Manual, 2022–2023. 2022.56203-0824 help@cihi

CIHI: Canadian Institute for Health Information · 7 August 2024 English

A list of NACRS mandatory and optional data elements for all data submission options, along with a brief description of the data element.

please refer to the latest version of the NACRS Abstracting Manual. NACRS Data Elements, 2024–2025 Legend the data element reporting status. The NACRS Abstracting Manual should be referenced for details. NACRS

CIHI: Canadian Institute for Health Information · 7 August 2024 English

A list of DAD mandatory and optional data elements for Acute Inpatient and Day Surgery abstracts by submitting jurisdiction, along with a brief description of the data element.

Please refer to the latest version of the DAD Abstracting Manual for full details on each data element case. 15 Abstracting Vendor ID The ID number of the licensed software vendor for the abstracting system

AUP: Athabasca University Press · 14 May 2024 English

Political activist ethnography is a research strategy that reveals how ruling regimes are organized so activists and social movements can fight them. This volume adopts an approach to inquiry that …

people’s actions” (Campbell and Gregor 2004, 29). Abstracting, standardizing, and generalizing are inherent

CSLS: Centre for the Study of Living Standards · 30 April 2024 English

restricts attention to the economic benefits of the increase in maternal labour supply To distinguish this arrangement from the care provided by a child care provider at the child’s that …

32,276/63,528). The average increase We are abstracting from these provincial differences to avoid complicating

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