Academic Freedom

Academic freedom is a moral and legal concept expressing the conviction that the freedom of inquiry by faculty members is essential to the mission of the academy as well as the principles of academia, and that scholars should have freedom to teach or communicate ideas or facts (including those that are inconvenient to external political groups or to authorities) without being targeted for repression, job loss, or imprisonment. While the core of academic freedom covers scholars acting in an academic capacity - as teachers or researchers expressing strictly scholarly viewpoints -, an expansive interpretation extends these occupational safeguards to scholars' …



AUP: Athabasca University Press · 14 May 2024 English

Political activist ethnography is a research strategy that reveals how ruling regimes are organized so activists and social movements can fight them. This volume adopts an approach to inquiry that …

Review Board Overreach.” AAUP Journal of Academic Freedom 6:1– 13.38 Withers Oakley, Ann. 1981. “Interviewing

Conseil supérieur de l'éducation du Québec · 9 May 2024 English

– 2 – Generative Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education: Pedagogical and Ethical Issues | Summary Importance of ministerial action and consultation with stakeholders In the eyes of the CSE and …

autonomy, professional autonomy of teachers, and academic freedom. In this context, the CSE and the CEST propose professional autonomy and the principle supérieur of academic freedom. – 7 – Generative Artificial Intelligence supérieur should respect professional autonomy and academic freedom, and encourage pedagogical experimentation

BCCLA: BC Civil Liberties Association · 3 May 2024 English

enshrined in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms 10F are reflected in the values of academic freedom promoted and cherished by institutions of higher education across Canada and, indeed, the world

Freedoms 10F are reflected in the values of academic freedom promoted and cherished by institutions of you must hold fast to the core principles of academic freedom and freedom of expression. This requires a shared values of freedom of expression and academic freedom, please do not hesitate to reach out to the

OCUFA: Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations · 17 April 2024 English

OCUFA SUBMISSION College Master’s Degrees in Applied Areas of Study: An Ill-Conceived Plan April 11, 2024 Introduction The Ministry of Colleges and Universities is proposing a regulatory amendment that would …

degree are made possible through guarantees of academic freedom and collegial governance models at universities

OCUFA: Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations · 16 April 2024 English

the government risks threatening the highly regarded principles of university autonomy and academic freedom, and contributing to the censorship, intimidation, and attacks on scholars who express views

campuses and beyond. Page 4 of 6 Safeguarding academic freedom and university autonomy It is essential for policies introduced under this Bill to safeguard academic freedom and university autonomy, without which a university cultural challenges. Principles of tenure, academic freedom, and collegial governance are the lifeblood financial support, and without discipline. Academic freedom, intellectual inquiry, and democracy itself Bill as written has the potential to limit academic freedom and the exposure of students to new or challenging

CHA: Canadian Historical Association · 10 April 2024 French

8 The Canadian Historical Association La Société historique du Canada 9 Daily Programming | Programmation quotidienne Daily Programming | Programmation quotidienne Monday 17 June | Lundi 17 juin Monday 17 …

Réunion d’affaires d’affairesRoundtable on Academic Freedom | Table ronde sur la liberté Environmental

BCCLA: BC Civil Liberties Association · 5 March 2024 English

Following a wave of backlash against the signatories of the Letter, the BCCLA joined the ranks of 11 other civil society organizations and 725 legal professionals and academics who signed …

chilling effect on freedom of expression and academic freedom has the hallmarks of a new McCarthyism. A

BCCLA: BC Civil Liberties Association · 1 March 2024 English

consequences of Professor Wood’s suspension for academic freedom and freedom of expression. [...] Professor Wood’s suspension threatens academic freedom at York University and well beyond it, undermining universities in Canada and internationally, will uphold and strongly defend the principles of academic freedom and freedom of expression.

consequences of Professor Wood’s suspension for academic freedom and freedom of expression. Professor Wood’s Wood’s suspension threatens academic freedom at York University and well beyond it, undermining the fundamental “the greatest threat to free expression and academic freedom in [his] lifetime.” 32F We note that this University to defend their free expression and academic freedom and when they will be punished for nonviolent uphold and strongly defend the principles of academic freedom and freedom of expression. Accordingly, we

UAP: University of Alberta Press · 14 February 2024 English

Canada as a Settler Colony on the Question of Palestine explores Canada-Palestine relations through a settler colonial lens. The authors argue that there are direct parallels between Canada’s settler colonial …

conjured for him (freedom of expression, academic freedom, and so on). Even though the American side

BCCAT: BC Council on Admissions and Transfer · 12 February 2024 English

Designing Content and Format to Facilitate Course Transferability

the course. Part of instructors’ right of academic freedom is the right to determine the course content Non-academic conduct 1 Rewriting assignments 1 Academic freedom 1 Format for communicating with instructors

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