Academic Freedom

Academic freedom is a moral and legal concept expressing the conviction that the freedom of inquiry by faculty members is essential to the mission of the academy as well as the principles of academia, and that scholars should have freedom to teach or communicate ideas or facts (including those that are inconvenient to external political groups or to authorities) without being targeted for repression, job loss, or imprisonment. While the core of academic freedom covers scholars acting in an academic capacity - as teachers or researchers expressing strictly scholarly viewpoints -, an expansive interpretation extends these occupational safeguards to scholars' …



Wilson Center Canada · 5 December 2024 English

Every twelve years the presidential elections in the United States and Mexico coincide and provide an opportunity to analyze past and current efforts and propose public policy options to the …

since 2019 include: freedom of expression, academic freedom, institutional autonomy, and judicial independence Specific Democracy Indicators, 2013–2023 MAX Academic Freedom Index Institutional autonomy MIN Compliance

CCSC: Centre for the Study of Co-operatives · 3 December 2024 English

In addition to the dis- appearance of the Wheat Pool, the co-operative sector has seen the dissolution of producer co-operatives (e.g., the Dairy Pro- ducers Co-operative), the sale of Concentra …

These matters continue about independence and academic freedom, and this matters more now than then.”52 Other anything, don’t get involved.’ There was complete academic freedom to pursue whatever they wanted to say.”163

FCPP: Frontier Centre for Public Policy · 29 November 2024 English

The result was the fiscal crisis of the mid-1990s, in which the federal government had to cut social benefits to avoid devaluation of the Canadian dollar, and the run-away inflation …

that are necessary to facilitate and foster academic freedom (and, more generally, freedom of expression) 1982 (UK), 1982, c 11. 192 Eric Kaufmann, “Academic freedom in crisis: Punishment, political discrimination are not the only bodies exerting pressure on academic freedom. Censorial post-secondary administrations dismissed by the Supreme Court in defines academic freedom as "the right August 2023, leaving the Tribunal’s

Alberta Teachers' Association · 21 November 2024 English

based on (a) the anticipated balance of the fund at the end of [1974, 2020] the current year, (b) the anticipated use of the fund during the budget year, (c) …

and, for that reason, should 1. restrict the academic freedom of the school, or confer on 1. ensure that compromise the school’s educational policy; academic freedom or the right of teachers and students to act

Alberta Teachers' Association · 21 November 2024 English

based on (a) the anticipated balance of the fund at the end of [1974, 2020] the current year, (b) the anticipated use of the fund during the budget year, (c) …

and, for that reason, should 1. restrict the academic freedom of the school, or confer on 1. ensure that compromise the school’s educational policy; academic freedom or the right of teachers and students to act

CCA: Council of Canadian Academies · 25 October 2024 English

The role of the peer review monitor is to ensure that the panel gives full and fair consideration to the submissions of the reviewers. [...] Recognizing the benefits of unleashing …

research ecosystem can use concepts such as academic freedom, research excellence, the merit principle Tension also exists at the intersection of academic freedom and EDI in universities (UOttawa, 2021; WLU solidify academic freedom (Marom, 2023). For example, Quebec’s Act respecting academic freedom in the university deemed non-compliant with the principle of academic freedom (Gov. of QC, 2022). Such policies can have (Government of Quebec). (2022). Act Respecting Academic Freedom in the University Sector, 2022, c L-1.2. Graves

CHA: Canadian Historical Association · 19 October 2024 English

À cet égard, j’ai eu le privilège de rencontrer les membres de l’Ex- In this regard, I was privileged to meet with Executive and écutif et du Conseil lors de …

la nature de l’université et les événements academic freedom, or we face the return of a much different

BCCAT: BC Council on Admissions and Transfer · 11 October 2024 English

o Shereen – contact list so we can communicate better o Everybody agreed to disclose email contacts for ease of communication What institutions are we missing? • Lethbridge, Red Deer, …

Some acknowledge that this might impinge upon academic freedom o Jody - Learning platforms (Moodle, Blackboard about mandating indigenous course in light of academic freedom (should it be mandatory or an elective) 

Alberta Teachers' Association · 11 October 2024 English

based on (a) the anticipated balance of the fund at the end of [1974, 2020] the current year, (b) the anticipated use of the fund during the budget year, (c) …

and, for that reason, should 1. restrict the academic freedom of the school, or confer on 1. ensure that compromise the school’s educational policy; academic freedom or the right of teachers and students to act

CUPE: Canadian Union of Public Employees · 23 September 2024 English

This role places is a testament to CUPE’s expertise and CUPE’s participation in the ISO 45001 CUPE at the forefront of global efforts leadership in occupational health and working group …

repressive policies that directly curtail academic freedom, our rights to association and to collective

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