Administrative Law

Administrative law is the body of law that governs the activities of administrative agencies of government. Government agency action can include rule making, adjudication, or the enforcement of a specific regulatory agenda. Administrative law is considered a branch of public law. Administrative law deals with the decision-making of such administrative units of government as tribunals, boards or commissions that are part of a national regulatory scheme in such areas as police law, international trade, manufacturing, the environment, taxation, broadcasting, immigration and transport. Administrative law expanded greatly during the twentieth century, as legislative bodies worldwide created more government agencies to regulate …



UCP: University of Calgary Press · 15 June 2024 English

Since the first edition of this popular text was published in 1984, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms has transformed the role of the courts in Canadian politics. Addressing current …

of Charter values in the Supreme Court’s administrative law jurispru- dence has pushed it in a post-liberal us nothing really corresponding to the “administrative law” (droit administratif) or the “admin- istrative notion which lies at the bottom of the “administrative law” known to foreign countries is, that affairs with the idea of droit administratif, or administrative law, which prevails in many continental1: THE

CCLA: Canadian Civil Liberties Association · 8 May 2024 English

The Application seeks an order in the nature of certiorari, quashing the changes to the self-identification provisions and remitting the matter to the Minister for redetermination, as well as declaratory …

and Administrative Law: Substantive Review", in C. M. Flood and P. Daly, eds., Administrative Law in Context

UCP: University of Calgary Press · 30 April 2024 English

The development of equitable relationships and outcomes among Indigenous communities, resource development companies, and governments in Canada is slow and uneven. Protest and Partnership brings together expert contributors to ask …

Lifting of the Fog.” Canadian Journal of Administrative Law and Practice 24, no. 3: 233–60. Nadasdy Aboriginal Rights.” Canadian Journal of Administrative Law and Practice 23: 93–113. Southwind v. Canada

CELA: Canadian Environmental Law Association · 26 April 2024 English

Submission by the Canadian Environmental Law Association to the Canadian Nuclear Safety 1500 Commission Regarding the Regulatory Oversight Report on the Use of Nuclear Substances in Sara Libman October 12, …

Practice. De-regulation and Self-Regulation in Administrative Law: A Public Interest Perspective. Prepared Deregulation, Self-Regulation and Compliance in Administrative Law. 285A In Defence of Environmental Regulation

CAPI: Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives · 23 April 2024 English

A former director of several research centres and co-CEO of the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada, he was a co-founder of the Council for Security Cooperation in Asia Pacific and …

interests include comparative constitutional and administrative law, transnational regulation, emergency powers

BCCLA: BC Civil Liberties Association · 2 April 2024 English

The misalignment between the interests of litigants with private standing and the broader public interest was central to the foundational decisions of Thorson, McNeil, and Finlay, which should have informed …

application for judicial review to bring an administrative law challenge to the legality of the federal and applications for judicial review under administrative law (Finlay), where those interests might diverge

First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada · 27 March 2024 English

Canada’s lack of consultation on its relief sought in the cross-motion is of great concern to me given the adverse impacts for children, youth and families and in light of …

Law” in Colleen M Flood & Lorne Sossin, eds, Administrative Law in Context, 3rd ed (Emond Publishing: Toronto preventative measures, monitoring abilities,27 and administrative law litigation functions. These institutions and process of the institutions subject to administrative law standards and reviews. This can seriously designed by, for or with us,” Paul Daly - Administrative Law Matters, February 27, 2018. 252 For example

LCO: Law Commission of Ontario · 14 March 2024 English

Commissioner is now an employee of the Auditor General and is expected to perform the duties assigned by the Auditor General.120 Furthermore, it is now the Downgrading the Environmental Auditor …

and Beyond” (2007) 19 Canadian Journal of Administrative Law & Practice 39; Bar Review 473 [Tollefson Laws of Canada (online), Administrative Law, “Overview of Administrative Law” (I.4(1)) at HAD-5 “Nature

BCCLA: BC Civil Liberties Association · 5 March 2024 English

The misalignment between the interests of litigants with private standing and the broader public interest was central to the foundational decisions of Thorson, McNeil, and Finlay, which should have informed …

application for judicial review to bring an administrative law challenge to the legality of the federal and applications for judicial review under administrative law (Finlay), where those interests might diverge

IOG: Institute on Governance · 1 March 2024 English

To complement the information derived from the literature, the IOG prepared and disseminated a short survey to members of the federal scientific and research community to collect information about current …

How artificial intelligence will change administrative law: The Government of Canada’s Directive on how-artificial-intelligence-will-change- administrative-law-in-canada. Daly, P., and Orct, B. 2022. Artificial /how-artificial-intelligence-will-change-administrative-law-in-canada /how-artificial-intelligence-will-change-administrative-law-in-canada

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