
Biologically, an adult is an organism that has reached sexual maturity. In human context, the term adult has meanings associated with social and legal concepts. In contrast to a "minor", a legal adult is a person who has attained the age of majority and is therefore regarded as independent, self-sufficient, and responsible. The typical age of attaining legal adulthood is 18, although definition may vary by legal rights, country, and psychological development. Human adulthood encompasses psychological adult development. Definitions of adulthood are often inconsistent and contradictory; a person may be biologically an adult, and have adult behavior but still be …



DDN: Dundurn Press · 16 July 2024 English

As Udonwa grows, her hidden family history changes her forever.Let me tell you a story. It’s about a war. This war is not the type fought with guns and machetes. …

war, but who knows what goes on in the minds of adults, especially Mama and Papa. All I know is that if that swing was built for both children and adults!” “But of course. Iweka left the swing in his compound

UCP: University of Calgary Press · 15 July 2024 English

Invisible Lives chronicles cycles of dysfunction and domestic violence. Using experimental hybrid poetry, Cristalle Smith breaks generational silence in lyric resonance, reflecting on a childhood rife with upheaval and poverty, …

to make me eat when I swore. Fuck. that’s what adults do to feel good. When you’re a girl, you take Triassic dinosaurs with Cretaceous dinosaurs. Those adults, man. They’re always feeding us such fucking bullshit

MQUP: McGill-Queen's University Press · 15 July 2024 English

An Accidental History of Canada explores accidents, their causes, consequences, and afterlife, in colonial, Indigenous, and urban contexts, from the 1630s to the 1970s. These investigations make plain that accidents …

tragic fire that killed eight children and three adults at the utopian community of Sointula in 1903 and classed society. Accidental fire required people, adults and children alike, to work through ambivalent

MQUP: McGill-Queen's University Press · 15 July 2024 English

Friendless or Forsaken? is the story of child emigration agencies operating in North West England from 1860 to 1935. The book traces the imperial relationships, transnational economy, religious networks and …

organisation working with vulner- able children and adults through schools, care homes, community and social

DDN: Dundurn Press · 9 July 2024 English

From Trench Town to the top of the world — one man's inspiring fight for meaning, dignity, and respect. Tiga’s Tale chronicles the remarkable life of world champion boxer Barrington …

mingle happily with the other parishioners. The adults would share heartfelt blessings (and a little light could expect to experience as teenagers — and adults if we survived that long. While walking along marking their territory, but seldom from the devout adults in our small world. Norma and Mimi, as you might

NSP: New Society Publishers · 25 June 2024 English

Deep polarization in our society prevents us from working collaboratively to solve the problems we face. The Solutionary Way offers a practical approach, providing clear and achievable methods to bridge …

every other group I’d asked, whether children or adults. One boy said “sex trafficking,” though he had people are the children, teenagers, and young adults who hold the keys to our collec- tive future. It’s

MQUP: McGill-Queen's University Press · 12 June 2024 English

In 1909 Myrtle and Ernest Webb took possession of an ordinary farm in Cavendish, Prince Edward Island. Ordinary but for one thing: it was already becoming known as inspiration for …

also thanks to the support and involvement of adults in the community – including Ernest and Myrtle

NSP: New Society Publishers · 11 June 2024 English

Leadership for the Great Transition—a changemaker’s toolkit for cultivating personal and community resilience The Regeneration Handbook offers an abundance of insights, stories, tools, practices, and resources for experienced and aspiring …

children, and adolescents before matur- ing into adults. In a similar way, an oak always goes through the

CHB: Coach House Books · 4 June 2024 English

Rocky meets Elmore Leonard meets Miranda July as Pillow Wilson, a past-his-prime boxer, trains for his last title shot. Shenanigans ensue. Boxer ‘Pillow Fist’ Pete Wilson should be preparing for …

Pillow was instantly enraged in a familiar way. Adults acting like you weren’t even in the room. Like

First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada · 31 May 2024 English

Are you aware whether the definition of 2 Removed Child Class in the claims process is different 3 from the definition of the Removed Child Class in the 4 final …

Members, particularly for young people, vulnerable adults and First Nations communities in crisis. The FSA effective working methods with youth and young adults taking into full account the A7G reports relevant health supports for First Nations youth and young adults. Moreover, it is not enough to only focus on mental Class, by definition, includes children and young adults who are in care or are from care and are predisposed Removed Child Class includes children, young adults and adults who should benefit from being heard and should

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