
A Bantustan (also known as Bantu homeland, black homeland, black state or simply homeland; Afrikaans: Bantoestan) was a territory that the National Party administration of South Africa set aside for black inhabitants of South Africa and South West Africa (now Namibia), as part of its policy of apartheid. In a generic sense, Bantustans are regions that lack any real legitimacy, consisting of several unconnected enclaves, or which have emerged from national or international gerrymandering.The term was first used in the late 1940s and was coined from Bantu (meaning people in some of the Bantu languages) and -stan (a suffix meaning …



PMLQ: Parti marxiste-léniniste du Québec · 16 May 2024 English

Together with the neighbouring villages of Imwas (the biblical village of Emmaus) and Yalu, Beit Nuba was systematically dynamited, bulldozed and erased from the surface of the earth, on June …

do Israel's dirty work in the few scattered "Bantustans" that are nominally under Arafat's control, but

PMLQ: Parti marxiste-léniniste du Québec · 3 April 2024 English

The Brutal Anti-Social Offensive Is the Mulroney Legacy The origins of the anti-social offensive in Canada lie in the collapse of the mega-projects in the natural resources sector in the …

smaller in size -- are reminiscent of the system of bantustans established by the white racist regime in South

UAP: University of Alberta Press · 14 February 2024 English

Canada as a Settler Colony on the Question of Palestine explores Canada-Palestine relations through a settler colonial lens. The authors argue that there are direct parallels between Canada’s settler colonial …

Territory (opt), a similar cross-stitching of “bantustans” of discontiguous communities surrounded by

Yellowhead Institute · 1 December 2021 English

These last eleven days of slaughter were an eruption of the continuous violence inherent to all projects of building a settler state on stolen land, in the face of Indigenous …

reserve system served as a model for South Africa’s bantustans, which in turn, have been an inspiration for

MQUP: McGill-Queen's University Press · 2020 English

Indigenous activism put small-town northern Ontario on the map in the 1960s and early 1970s. Kenora, Ontario, was home to a four-hundred-person march, popularly called Canada's First Civil Rights March, …

that reserves around Kenora were so much like Bantustans in South Africa.40 South Africa was an outlier

Population Studies Centre, University of Western Ontario · 28 November 2018 English

Sociology, Population Studies

on that legislation. Ten ethnic homelands, or bantustans were set aside for Africans. All Africans were

PMLQ: Parti marxiste-léniniste du Québec · 15 March 2017 English

Study examining whether Israel has established an apartheid regime that oppresses and dominates the Palestinian people as a whole.

Authority replicate the South African “homelands”, or Bantustans, see Virginia Tilley, “A Palestinian declaration to it its doctrine of apartheid, complete with Bantustans. The policy attracted repeated criticism from South Africans living in townships and in the Bantustans and different privileges for Indians and Coloureds “reserves” enjoying local autonomy, comparable to the Bantustans of southern Africa or Native American reservations

UAP: University of Alberta Press · 2016 English

There are more than two sides to the conflict between Palestine and Israel. There are millions. Millions of lives, voices, and stories behind the enduring struggle in Israel and Palestine. …

the Palestinians squeezed either into barren Bantustans on the West Bank or incorporated into an Israeli open-air prison that is called Gaza and within the Bantustans on the West Bank. The message is clear: get

desLibris · 11 June 2015 English

Such a process will provide an overview of the main kinds of partners, the main types of relationships, channels of interaction, the outcomes and benefits of interaction and the main …

based teaching universities in the apartheid bantustans and were historically disadvantaged in terms

AUP: Athabasca University Press · 1 October 2013 English

Xwelíqwiya is the life story of Rena Point Bolton, a Stó:lo matriarch, artist, and craftswoman. Proceeding by way of conversational vignettes, the beginning chapters recount Point Bolton's early years on …

9 Th ese reserves later became models for the Bantustans, or Bantu “homelands,” set up by South Africa’s

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