Denaturalization (also revocation of citizenship) is the reverse of naturalization, namely a state depriving one of its citizens of his or her citizenship. From the point of view of the individual, denaturalization means the revocation of citizenship (involuntary loss of citizenship). Denaturalization can be based on various legal justifications. The most severe form is the "stripping of citizenship" when denaturalization takes place as a penalty for actions considered criminal by the state, often only indirectly related to nationality, for instance for having served in a foreign military. In countries that enforce single citizenship, voluntary naturalization in another country will lead …
desLibris · 24 July 2019 English
The authors of the plan stressed that “India Meanwhile, some 76 countries are developing has the second largest population in the world, rules and exceptions to the rules governing cross- …
They have argued that it could lead to the denaturalization of millions of Kenyans, make it easier for …
MQUP: McGill-Queen's University Press · 30 September 2018 English
Since its beginning, Comparative Literature has been characterized as a discipline in crisis. But its shifting boundaries are its strength, allowing for collaboration and growth and illuminating a path forward. …
cosmopolitan pedagogy as involving a pro- cess of denaturalization, in which one works to distance oneself from …
SHQ: Société d'Habitation du Québec · 17 September 2018 English
SYNGENETIC PERMAFROST: Permafrost formed by the rise of the permafrost table as a result of the deposition of additional material on the ground surface and the subse- quent equilibrium of …
surface drainage, adverse snow cover conditions, denaturalization of the surface layer, and rising air temperatures …
SHQ: Société d'Habitation du Québec · 17 September 2018 English
SYNGENETIC PERMAFROST: Permafrost formed by the rise of the permafrost table as a result of the deposition of additional material on the ground surface and the subse- quent equilibrium of …
surface drainage, adverse snow cover conditions, denaturalization of the surface layer, and rising air temperatures …
desLibris · 15 March 2018 English
The crimes and listed suspects.26 The public portion SCC also accepted the defences of superior orders of the report recommended that the government and mistake of fact as submitted to …
on administrative remedies of exclusion, denaturalization and deportation.37 While the Finta case was …
CRIRES: Centre de recherche et d'intervention sur la réussite scolaire · 11 February 2018 English
In this sense, it became evident i) the importance of method and of a constructive interpretative analysis based on the theoretical-methodological procedures called “Meaning Nuclei” in order to grasp the …
addition, this approach could contribute to denaturalization processes of exclusion and trigger a transformative …
desLibris · 23 April 2015 English
Lawrence River originates in the Great launched in 2003 as part of the Canada–Québec Lakes, in the heart of one of the largest industrial Agreement on the St. [...] Despite …
degradation of water quality, riverbank denaturalization and erosion, decline of certain plant and …
Government of Quebec · 4 March 2014 English
The EIMP has become invaluable to the park management teams as it is the main tool used for verifying changes in the ecological integrity of the regions under their care. …
to have increased in number. Bank denaturalization index has diminished. Management result … studies). STABLE The percentage of bank denaturalization is gradually increasing (corrective action(s) … park Highlights IMPROVEMENT Bank denaturalization index has diminished. Habitat fragmentation …
QSEP: Research Institute for Quantitative Studies in Economics and Population · 20 September 2012 English
Emphasizing the echoes and continuities of colonialism in these disjunctions, Christopher Breu’s contribution offers ways to theorize the temporality of globalization in “more recursive and less linear ways.” Breu draws …
relations of inequality and power and how its denaturalization (or historicization) enables the shattering …
IRÉC: Institut de recherche en économie contemporaine · 17 February 2012 French
Dans la première partie de l’article, nous recensons les écrits principaux ayant traité de la gestion de la tension entre autonomie et contrôle dans les organisations et en dégageons les …
347). This indeed sets an effort towards the denaturalization of sociotechnical dynamics, and the necessity …