
Discrimination is the act of making unjustified distinctions between human beings based on the groups, classes, or other categories to which they are perceived to belong. People may be discriminated on the basis of race, gender, age, religion, or sexual orientation, as well as other categories. Discrimination especially occurs when individuals or groups are unfairly treated in a way which is worse than other people are treated, on the basis of their actual or perceived membership in certain groups or social categories. It involves restricting members of one group from opportunities or privileges that are available to members of another …



Manitoba Office of the Children's Advocate · 2 December 2024 French

En tant qu’organisme, nous nous engageons à Les éléments visuels du projet respecter les principes de la décolonisation et de la Memengwaa Wiidoodaagewin réconciliation, et nous nous efforçons de Dans …

communautaires, de ne pas être aidés et de la discrimination raciale. Ces expériences ont amené certains Autochtones (Brownell et coll., 2020). De plus, la discrimination systémique et la surveillance font en sorte colonialisme, le racisme, les préjugés, la discrimination et les différences culturelles et sociétales nous sommes d’avis que ces aidés et de la discrimination raciale. expériences vécues méritent tout de sur les jeunes et tenant 4. S’attaquer à la discrimination fondée sur la compte des traumatismes a révélé

Access Alliance Multicultural Health and Community Services · 2 December 2024 English

24, 1:30–3:30 pm WHO: Newcomers, community members and community members, and enjoy speakers WHERE: AccessPoint on Danforth WHEN: Wednesdays, biweekly and activities focussed on seed and food security. [...] WHERE: …

cover certain develop strategies to deal with discrimination. options for alternative careers, as well as

First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada · 1 December 2024 English

demonstrates orders regarding backlogs, with the following reporting how it will eliminate the discrimination and prevent its requirements: recurrence. [...] If the request is urgent ISC must The Tribunal

of the requests in the backlog have not gone discrimination and prevent its reoccurrence. past intake stage following reporting how it will eliminate the discrimination and prevent its requirements: recurrence. • insufficient resourcing would be like the systemic discrimination found and would likely be considered a transfer it is both a right and a remedy to address discrimination and prevent its reoccurrence. The Tribunal clearly demonstrates how it will eliminate the discrimination and prevent its recurre... To read the full

Action Canada · 28 November 2024 English

While completing the worksheet, students will be asked to consider each of the key questions posed in the video’s introduction to assess whether a policy is good or not. [...] …

the Indian Act was amended so there was no discrimination for those graduating from Post-Secondary schools schools, students faced new forms discrimination both directly and systemically, which discouraged students

ACFAS: Acfas · 28 November 2024 French

Acfas_valérie_LG_temoignage_HD NOVEMBRE 2024 Sortir de l’ombre les réalités francophones La recherche en français au service de la santé des minorités linguistiques Témoignage de Valérie Lapointe-Gagnon devant le Comité sénatorial permanent …

obstacles les plus considé- fois une quadruple discrimination dans le domaine de la rables. santé, basée

AIC: Agricultural Institute of Canada · 28 November 2024 English

International Year of the Woman Farmer in 2026 2026/en The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) welcomes the resolution adopted by the United Nations (UN) General Assembly …

IYIP offers young Canadians confronted with discrimination the opportunity to take part in three-month people are those who face intersecting forms of discrimination. Yet there has been resistance to integrating

SPCW: Social Planning Council of Winnipeg · 27 November 2024 English

was a significant year as it was the 20th anniver- First though, as the map demonstrates, in sary of our collective failure to make good on the 2022, Manitoba was …

market and relatively inef- (25.0%). Racial discrimination in the labour market fective government transfers targets resources to those in 2. Eliminate discrimination and racism at all most need, and provides more

Manitoba Office of the Children's Advocate · 27 November 2024 English

With a steadfast commitment to social justice and equity, our office operates through a human rights-based lens, weaving the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, the United …

of the right to health and the right to non-discrimination for peoples. Occasionally, ‘youth-serving system(s)/ struggling with and mental health, a right to non-discrimination, substance use are disproportionately Indigenous inconsistent with their needs, as well as stigma and discrimination, all of which derive from and contribute to Stigma and discrimination Some youth described their experiences with stigma and discrimination at the hands and many attempts.” Another youth experienced discrimination, explaining that they and other Indigenous

IRC: Queen's Industrial Relations Centre · 27 November 2024 English

duty to accommodate in the workplace

a broader framework for protection against discrimination and the duty to accommodate. Employers must potential for discrimination. This concept acknowledges that individuals may face discrimination based on case-by-case analysis, considering the impact of the discrimination and the specific context. Below are some examples legal consequences for employers, including discrimination claims under applicable human rights legislation

CDPDJ: Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse · 26 November 2024 French

Ce document présente de façon claire et vulgarisée les droits et libertés de la personne appliqués au contexte de l’itinérance. Il porte sur les deux premiers chapitres de la Charte …

exercer leurs droits en pleine égalité, sans discrimination fondée sur : • leur condition sociale, la présence l’interdiction de profilage social ou d’autres formes de discrimination (art. 10) ; • de l’interdiction de harcèlement d’itinérance, mais aussi une manifestation de la discrimination systémique et de l’exclusion sociale qu’elles un bien ou un service peut constituer de la discrimination directement fondée sur la condition sociale sociale ou de tout autre motif interdit de discrimination. Par exemple, l’obligation de s’inscrire au

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