
In human society, family (from Latin: familia) is a group of people related either by consanguinity (by recognized birth) or affinity (by marriage or other relationship). The purpose of families is to maintain the well-being of its members and of society. Ideally, families would offer predictability, structure, and safety as members mature and participate in the community. In most societies, it is within families that children acquire socialization for life outside the family, and acts as the primary source of attachment, nurturing, and socialization for humans. Additionally, as the basic unit for meeting the basic needs of its members, it …



DDN: Dundurn Press · 4 February 2025 English

A provocative and revealing look at the scandals and corruption behind the Sweet Science’s greatest fights. Controversy is the one constant running throughout modern boxing’s history since its inception in …

was soon after Terry’s birth that the McGovern family moved to Brooklyn, New York.6 Terry’s mother, Ellen take odd jobs around Brooklyn to help keep his family sol- vent. These jobs involved long periods of complained. He felt it was his solemn duty to help his family. Around this time, in 1896, McGovern, just sixteen three- and four-­round bouts. With a large starving family to support, McGovern had no time to spend honing battled with a singular viciousness, putting every family tragedy, physical slight, and personal indignity

DDN: Dundurn Press · 4 February 2025 English

The shocking crimes of a trusted teacher wrought lasting damage on Inuit communities in Canada’s Arctic. In the 1970s, a young schoolteacher from British Columbia was becoming the darling of …

are known within the community. People within the family and the community call the child by the relationship and preferred hunting and was needed to help his family. But for the most part, Inuit were eager and attentive families to ever attend school, especially if their family had only recently moved into the settlement from Horne, with a bunch of his friends. The boy’s family had come from Great Whale River and had settled to his place.8 The boy lived in a more cohesive family than many of his friends did, but his father was

CPRC: University of Regina Press · 4 February 2025 English

Illuminating two hundred years of lost Black History through the lens of an iconic abolitionist settlement In the Light of Dawn shines a spotlight on the Dawn Settlement, a historic …

politically active African Americans— like the family of William Whipper who invested heavily at Dawn society (Chapter 19). A proud sense of personal, family, and community history also endured, and properly behaviour for my brother and me. As a consequence, our family was blessed with the presence of many people of intimate family sto­ ries—or stumbled onto inconvenient truths. In a number of cases, some family members immigrants as a single homogenous group. Images in family photo albums, however, stand in stark contrast

Fraser Institute · 4 February 2025 English

Canada is experiencing historically low levels of economic growth that are contributing to an extended decline in Canadian living standards, yet current federal fiscal policy will only make things worse …

government has been taking larger shares of both family incomes and economic output through higher taxes—not

FRHD: Freehand Books · 1 February 2025 English

Debut stories about the absurdity of growing up and being human in the twenty-first century. A woman finds her childhood friend working in a booth at a psychic fair in …

boyfriend. Or, god forbid, step­ father. Or coach, or family friend, or neighbour. Or drugs. It could always caused confusion about Wayne’s relation to their family. Then, someone at her kindergarten had said that open late. So we’re having it now.” “Friends and family are invited,” Cadence said. “I’m going.” A clock photographs. One by one, she found places for the family portraits. Only one, she realized, included Wayne School, where he had been sent not because his family was Catholic but because his mother, a civic politician

Fraser Institute · 31 January 2025 English

The findings in Thinking About Poverty: Helping the Poor; What are the options? demonstrate that employment-based policies provide a more lasting solution to poverty than redistributionist government programs such as …

the welfare system encourage work, savings, and family formation. Overall, the system should make it sion by which the poor received assistance from family members, neigh- bours, churches, and charitable pre-welfare state Britain. She points out that while the family has always been (and still is) the ultimate backstop Pension [1927, 1952], Unemployment Insurance [1940], Family Allowance [1945], Canada Pension Plan [1965], children or poor people taking care of elderly family members. There’s lots of ways in which people contrib-

IISD: International Institute for Sustainable Development · 31 January 2025 English

This publication outlines gender-responsive mining policies that support skills, employment, and inclusive governance in Chile, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mauritania, and South Africa.

increased household income, greater investments in family well-being, and reduced poverty rates. Integrating education and well-being, as women often prioritize family needs like nutrition and school enrolment and women who need or want to combine paid work with family caring responsibilities; prefer alternatives to as single parenting, divorce, and living with a family member with disabilities. The fact that the initiative

NSP: New Society Publishers · 28 January 2025

It's time for a whole new way of doing school People are born systems-thinkers. Education has the power to encourage our innate connection with the complex world, yet instead our …

parents prior­ itize learning ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi as a family. Parents take language classes each week, donate of the society. We may all hold individual or family values, but at school, especially public school Let’s imagine a toddler I’ll call Aisha and her family, which includes a caring uncle and a dog. Phase to assume Aisha “knows” what a dog is. Then the family visits a zoo and Aisha sees an elephant. Aisha

Fraser Institute · 28 January 2025 English

While health care is under provincial jurisdiction in Canada, the federal government wields considerable influence over provincial health care policy. Provinces must adhere to the Canada Health Act (CHA) in …

system patients must first get a referral from a family physician before they can receive a consultation patient is seeking a referral to a spe- cialist, a family doctor refers that patient “directly to a particular In contrast, centralized referral pools allow family phy- sicians to refer patients to a service that British Columbia – however, it is primarily for family doctors (and only some specialist procedures). Concerned about a lack of access to family physicians the provincial government expanded its Health

DDN: Dundurn Press · 28 January 2025 English

“At once experimental literature and alchemical apparatus — designed to take all the flavours of one man’s life experiences and transform them into something that nourishes.” — ANDREA THOMPSON, author …

letter: I. ALPHABET SOUP 8I: Five letters short of “family” and eleven short of “father figure.” Eight letters of how I reached the present ignorant of my own family history, hits me like a Don King–promoted Tyson approach you anymore. There was only one way for my family to do it before: long red ribbons tied across that preceded our births and bonded us like blood family was rooted in the tropical soil of our ancestral for you as he was sick with fever that day, your family resigned to return you to the tropical soil of

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