George A. Drew

George Alexander Drew PC CC QC (May 7, 1894 – January 4, 1973) was a Canadian politician. He served as the 14th premier of Ontario from 1943 to 1948 and founded a Progressive Conservative dynasty that would last 42 years. He later served as leader of the federal Progressive Conservative Party and Leader of the Official Opposition from 1948 to 1956.

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Ontario 360 · 1 August 2022 English

Critical to the lack of success of the opposition parties is that no single policy issue became the central focus of the campaign, or the so-called ballot question. [...] The …

in its first was in 1945 under P.C. leader George A. Drew. The time before that was in 1908, under Conservative

MQUP: McGill-Queen's University Press · 21 August 2018 English

In 1936, long before the discovery of the Viking settlement at L'Anse aux Meadows, the Royal Ontario Museum made a sensational acquisition: the contents of a Viking grave that prospector …

the Conservative Party of Ontario in 1938; George A. Drew would serve as both premier and as minister

CDA: Conference of Defence Associations Institute · 9 January 2007


sécurité par les nombreuses Colonel the Honourable George A. Drew, P.C., C.C., personnes qui ont suivi les traces activities designed le colonel et honorable George A. Drew, P.C., C.C., c.r., to kick off celebrations DÉFENSE ON TRACK Next came Colonel the Honourable George A. Drew, “strong points”, and he wanted “to try to

CICS: Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat · 24 May 2006 English

These include the Privy Council Office, the Department of Finance, the Public Archives and the National Library of Canada, and the Library of Parliament. [...] The subjects discussed during this …

W.L. Mackenzie King (Chair) Ontario Hon. George A. Drew Quebec Hon. Maurice L. Duplessis Nova Scotia

CICS: Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat · 27 October 2004 French

Stuart Mackinnon Ottawa, Secrétaire Juillet 2004 Conférences Intergouvernementales Canadiennes S C I C. I C O N F É R E N C E S. D E S. P R …

Mackenzie King (président) Ontario L’hon. George A. Drew Québec L’hon. Maurice L. Duplessis Nouvelle-Écosse

CSPG: Canadian Study of Parliament Group · 18 April 2002 French

Mais au départ, quelles qualités les chefs de parti doivent-ils posséder et quels avantages et désavantages institutionnels ont-ils à la Chambre des communes? Dans son étude sur les chefs à …

Manion 10. Arthur Meighen 11. John Bracken 12. George A. Drew 14. John G. Diefenbaker 15. Robert L. Stanfield

CSPG: Canadian Study of Parliament Group · 18 April 2002 English

But what are the requisites of leadership, and are their institutional advantages and disadvantages provided for different party leaders in the House of Commons? In her examination of leadership in …

Manion 10. Arthur Meighen 11. John Bracken 12. George A. Drew 14. John G. Diefenbaker 15. Robert L. Stanfield

MQUP: McGill-Queen's University Press · 1991 English

Hydro responded to demands from residents of farms and hamlets for a fair share of the "public power" that was being distributed to municipalities in southwestern Ontario in 1910. It …

electrification. It was under Progressive Conservative George A. Drew (premier 1943-8) that circumstances at last

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