
A halophyte is a salt-tolerant plant that grows in soil or waters of high salinity, coming into contact with saline water through its roots or by salt spray, such as in saline semi-deserts, mangrove swamps, marshes and sloughs and seashores. The word derives from Ancient Greek ἅλας (halas) 'salt' and φυτόν (phyton) 'plant'. An example of a halophyte is the salt marsh grass Spartina alterniflora (smooth cordgrass). Relatively few plant species are halophytes—perhaps only 2% of all plant species. The large majority of plant species are glycophytes, which are not salt-tolerant and are damaged fairly easily by high salinity.



PICES: North Pacific Marine Science Organization · 18 September 2023 English


Firstly, "Green Living" involves the planting of halophytes and seagrasses to increase carbon sinks. Secondly

BoFEP: Bay of Fundy Ecosystem Partnership · 26 July 2023 English

Visualization of share of Earth’s surface ( earths-surface/ ) 8 The ocean provides 2/3 of the value of all the natural services offered by the planet, and at least 50% …

currently dominated by low and high elevation halophytes (including Spartina alterniflora and S. patens)

WWF: World Wildlife Fund Canada · 5 June 2023

In brief, while the conservation and restoration of marine ecosystems NCS have the potential to meaningfully contribute to mitigating the biodiversity and climate serve as NCS, blue carbon ecosystems themselves …

surface became progressively more consolidated. Halophytes began growing on the site in 2012, notably Spartina

PICES: North Pacific Marine Science Organization · 22 September 2022 English

27 Environmental variability and small pelagic fishes in the North Pacific: exploring mechanistic and pragmatic methods for integrating ecosystem considerations into assessment and management S7 Sept. [...] 28 The effects …

from the mainland and vegetation ranging from halophytes to terrestrial plants after reclamation. High

PICES: North Pacific Marine Science Organization · 8 July 2022 English

Annual variation in NO3-N, DIN (the inset in figure A), NH4-N (DIN), PO4-P, SiO3-Si, the N/P ratio, and DO concentrations in the SYS from the 1980s to 2012 (Note: The …

400 phytoplankton, 300 marine macroalgae, 50 halophytes, 500 marine invertebrates, and some 389 vertebrate

CEC / CCA / CCE: Commission for Environmental Cooperation · 22 August 2017 English

Accelerating and enhancing the natural recovery of mangrove wetlands will offset the observed net mangrove area loss as result of the combined impact of hurricanes in 2017 and past cumulative-long …

as indicated by the dominant dune vegetation/halophytes in higher elevations. One important climate variable

UNU-INWEH: United Nations University - Institute for Water, Environment and Health · 10 August 2017 English

It is nonetheless important, when reading this book, to keep in mind the timeframe of the GWAHS-CS project: the case studies have not been updated from the time when the …

Grant No. 263-G-00-96-00030-00. Jaradat AA. 2003. Halophytes for Sustainable Biosaline Farming Systems in

PUL: Les Presses de l'Université Laval · 27 November 2014 French

Le rapport entre culture et langue sera par la suite présenté dans la perspective des ethnoscientifiques eux-mêmes à travers un survol de l’his- toire de l’ethnoscience, afin de mieux délimiter …

une flore particulière comprenant plusieurs halophytes, le second, de par la nature calcaire des formations

SCBD: Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity · 7 April 2014 English

As a Party to the CBD, The format of the NR5 is narrative, and the contents are outcome oriented, elucidating the national status and trends of India honours and strives …

shrinkage of the area and tolerant genes in the halophytes (www.csmcri.org). volume. This had a tremendous shrinkage of the area and tolerant genes in the halophytes (www.csmcri.org). volume. This had a tremendous

RSC: Royal Society of Canada · 18 October 2012 English

The Council of the Society, the presidents of its three academies, the past-president of the Society (Professor Yvan Guindon), and the current President, Professor Rod Macdonald, have all strongly supported …

non-saline boreal landscapes and were dominated by halophytes common to saline habitats of the Great Plains due to edaphic heterogeneity and inclusion of halophytes in the local species pool. Thus, heterogeneity Munns. 1980. Mechanisms of salt tolerance in non-halophytes. Annual Review of Plant Physiology and Plant

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