
Imprisonment (from imprison, via French emprisonner, originally from Latin prensio, arrest, from prehendere, prendere, "to seize") in law is the specific state of being physically incarcerated or confined in an institutional setting such as a prison. Courts of the United States, including the U.S. Supreme Court, have recognized that the minimum period in an indeterminate sentence that was actually imposed by a court of law is the official term of imprisonment. In other words, any "street time" (e.g., probation, parole, or supervised release) that was ordered by the court as part of the defendant's punishment does not constitute term of …



DDN: Dundurn Press · 28 January 2025 English

“At once experimental literature and alchemical apparatus — designed to take all the flavours of one man’s life experiences and transform them into something that nourishes.” — ANDREA THOMPSON, author …

on the forehead of my immobilizing emotional imprisonment is your everlast- ing legacy on the pathway

UOP: University of Ottawa Press · 22 January 2025 English

A special issue of the Journal of Prisoners on Prisons on “Emotions and the Affective Politics of Incarceration.”

authors refl ect on the emotions elicited by imprisonment, along with various strategies for managing ection examines complex emotions related to imprisonment by exploring phases of their carceral experience: halfway house, which she likens to experiencing imprisonment. In halfway houses, she argues that constant Prisons: Lessons from the Movement Against Imprisonment (Haymarket, 2024) and editor of Pain in Vain: connection (Hansen, 2018; Horii, 1994; OCI, 2021). Imprisonment is a layered experience. Prisoners are sentenced

CLD: Centre for Law and Democracy · 20 January 2025 English

the touchstone of all the freedoms to which the United Nations is consecrated.18 The UN Human Rights Committee, the independent body of experts established to monitor and oversee implementation of …

which may be punished by up to three years’ imprisonment or a fine of up to MYR 20,000 or both (sections below, even the possibility of a sanction of imprisonment for defamation is excessive). 113 Adopted 18 (approximately USD 1,100) and up to three years’ imprisonment to perform any act which has a seditious tendency Code, punishable by a fine or up to two years’ imprisonment or both, pursuant to section 500. Sections 501 perspective of freedom of expression and that imprisonment is not a legitimate punishment for defamation

CHRC: Canadian Human Rights Commission · 17 January 2025 French

(extrajudicial sanction) or by any other title, by or under an Act of the legislature of a province or by the lieutenant governor in council of a service de messagerie …

garde Tout lieu désigné en vertu du paragraphe imprisonment for five years or more. (infraction grave) 85(2) exécution, dont une partie est purgée sous garde imprisonment for life, three years from the date de façon applicable aux adultes si celui- adult is liable to imprisonment for a term of more than ci est ou a été déclaré déclaré coupable et which an adult is liable to imprisonment for a term of pour laquelle un adulte serait l’adolescent fence for which an adult is liable to imprisonment for a qui a été déclaré coupable d’une infraction

DDN: Dundurn Press · 14 January 2025 English

“Sharply observed, fiercely researched, starkly revealing, written with wit, verve, and insight, making room for the tragic ironies without ever taking its eyes off the comic ones, Catch a Fire …

manufacturers and set a maximum penalty of three years’ imprisonment and a $1,000 fine for violating Canada’s new 42 PART I: RISKand starved during his wartime imprisonment — was eventually sent back home a broken man

Pathways to Prosperity · 11 January 2025 English

Page 3 of 40 ACCESS TO SUITABLE HEALTH CARE, INCLUDING MENTAL HEALTH CARE Name of Practice / Name and Type of Program Lead Organization(s) Link(s) Description of Practice Tags Primary …

trauma, political persecution, and Organization imprisonment. Large community • Services are available in

CIDP: Centre for International and Defense Policy · 19 December 2024 English

Examples of previous crisis in the Canadian civil-military relationship include the two conscription crises during the First and Second World Wars, and the actions of the Royal Canadian Navy during …

torture and manslaughter – receiving a sentence of imprisonment for five years and dismissal with disgrace from

CCLA: Canadian Civil Liberties Association · 5 December 2024 English

Part 3 of the Bill proposes to amend the Canadian Human Rights Act (the “CHRA”) to add as a discriminatory practice the communication of hate speech by any means of …

associated with any offence in Canada to life imprisonment, if the commission of such offence was motivated guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for life. Hatred may be based on race, ethnic providing that any offence may be punishable by life imprisonment if the commission of such offence was motivated Automatically Expose the Defendant to Potential Life Imprisonment CCLA is also opposed to the sentencing proposed any offence would be punishable by up to life imprisonment if the commission of the offence is found to

Citizen Lab, Munk Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto · 1 December 2024 English

The involvement of state or state-affiliated actors in these practices further exacerbates the power asymmetries between offenders and victims, increasing the risks for the safety, security, and fundamental rights of …

sion in their country of origin – including imprisonment and gender-based violence – our research team admits. While she has managed to avoid physical imprisonment in Bahrain, Mariam still lives in constant anxiety because they had learned about her activism and imprisonment in Iran and feared that potential working relations

FCPP: Frontier Centre for Public Policy · 29 November 2024 English

The result was the fiscal crisis of the mid-1990s, in which the federal government had to cut social benefits to avoid devaluation of the Canadian dollar, and the run-away inflation …

wiretaps, trial within a reasonable time, mandatory imprisonment, reverse onus (presumption of innocence), disclosure

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