
Imprisonment (from imprison, via French emprisonner, originally from Latin prensio, arrest, from prehendere, prendere, "to seize") in law is the specific state of being physically incarcerated or confined in an institutional setting such as a prison. Courts of the United States, including the U.S. Supreme Court, have recognized that the minimum period in an indeterminate sentence that was actually imposed by a court of law is the official term of imprisonment. In other words, any "street time" (e.g., probation, parole, or supervised release) that was ordered by the court as part of the defendant's punishment does not constitute term of …



DDN: Dundurn Press · 16 July 2024 English

As Udonwa grows, her hidden family history changes her forever.Let me tell you a story. It’s about a war. This war is not the type fought with guns and machetes. …

looked down to find my dress was free from its imprisonment. BORN IN A HOUSE OF GLASS 61“Em, sorry,” I said

MQUP: McGill-Queen's University Press · 15 July 2024 English

Friendless or Forsaken? is the story of child emigration agencies operating in North West England from 1860 to 1935. The book traces the imperial relationships, transnational economy, religious networks and …

asserting children’s criminality, or likely future imprisonment, became even more crucial to the survival of of a probation officer to avoid the stigma of imprisonment, a system that saw officers (akin to social

MQUP: McGill-Queen's University Press · 18 June 2024 English

Throughout the twentieth century in the lands of Yugoslavia, socialists embarked on multiple projects of supranational unification. Sensitive to the vulnerability of small nations in a world of great powers, …

after a bout of tuberculosis brought on by his imprisonment by the Serbian state. His early adaptation

CHB: Coach House Books · 18 June 2024 English

WINNER OF A 2023 PEN TRANSLATES AWARD This punk-like blend of Roberto Bolaño’s The Savage Detectives and Samanta Schweblin’s Fever Dream heralds an exciting new voice in international fiction Living …

most of every disadvantage, whether insomnia, imprisonment, or poverty; the first gave us Baudelaire, most of every disadvantage, whether insomnia, imprisonment, or poverty; the first gave us Baudelaire,

AUP: Athabasca University Press · 28 May 2024 English

Reckoning with the experiences of refugees can inform epistemological and practical approaches to humanizing migrant populations before, during, and after their resettlement. Contributors explore what it means to experience dehumanization, …

of the events surrounding Jalal Barzanji’s imprisonment during Saddam Hussein’s regime in Iraq and Barzan- their experiences of displacement, torture, imprisonment, and other forms of dehumaniza- tion and embrace injustice.” Jalal Barzanji’s experience of imprisonment during Saddam Hussein’s oppressive regime in

NCCIH: National Collaborating Centre for Indigineous Health · 29 April 2024

Indigenous Peoples in Canada experience disproportionately high rates of tuberculosis, driven in part by the long history of trauma they have endured due to colonialism. This report provides a review …

communities may have a greater et al., 2019). of imprisonment, isolation, and likelihood of having their cases

BCLI: British Columbia Law Institute · 29 April 2024 English

Its purposes are to: • promote the clarification and simplification of the law and its adaptation to modern social needs, • promote improvement of the administration of justice and respect …

another’s personal property without consent), false imprisonment (deprivation of freedom of movement without

CCLA: Canadian Civil Liberties Association · 24 April 2024 English

STILL FAILING The Deepening Crisis of Bail and Pre-Trial Detention in Canada Canadian Civil Liberties Association and the Canadian Civil Liberties Education Trust 2024 About the CCLA and CCLET The …

reflects the rate at which people are sentenced to imprisonment after a finding of guilt, has decreased steadily Pre-Trial/Remand Prison Population27 Rate Per 100,000 Imprisonment National Population Canada 2017/18 15,316 38 for 25 Roy Walmsley, World Pre-Trial/Remand Imprisonment List (4th Edition), World Prison Brief (February Bales & Alex R Piquero, “Assessing the Impact of Imprisonment on Recidivism” (2012) 8 Journal of Experimental Nagin, Francis T Cullen & Cheryl Lero Jonson, “Imprisonment and Reoffending” (2009) 38:1 Crime & Just 115

DDN: Dundurn Press · 23 April 2024 English

At the end of World War II, a young Japanese Canadian would stand trial and face execution for having committed war crimes and betraying his country.One of the most bizarre …

old and very thin after almost two years of imprisonment. The prison staff undoubt- edly had figured

CADTH: Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health · 12 April 2024 English

Experience With and Rationale for Use of Specific Formulations Reduced risk of diversion and shorter duration for postadministration observation were noted as the primary reasons for providing the transmucosal film, …

high rates of opioid usage before and during imprisonment,1 with a substantial prevalence of OUD diagnoses

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