Joint Ventures

A joint venture is a business entity created by two or more parties, generally characterized by shared ownership, shared returns and risks, and shared governance. Companies typically pursue joint ventures for one of four reasons: to access a new market, particularly emerging markets; to gain scale efficiencies by combining assets and operations; to share risk for major investments or projects; or to access skills and capabilities. Work by Reuer and Leiblein challenged the claim that joint ventures minimize downside risk.According to Gerard Baynham of Water Street Partners, there has been much negative press about joint ventures, but objective data indicate …



IISD: International Institute for Sustainable Development · 6 June 2024 English

Nigeria's growing population is in need of wide-ranging solutions to the multidimensional poverty it faces. This IISD report outlines the risks that Nigeria faces in forging ahead with a dash …

long-term gas supply agreements with three joint ventures and uses six gas transmission systems (GTSs)

IISD: International Institute for Sustainable Development · 16 May 2024 English

A guide for governments on defining what should be considered as "strategic" or "critical" based on a series of objective criteria.

conducted (such as mergers and acquisitions or joint ventures, etc.) must be tracked and analyzed. Importantly different forms of state participation, such as joint ventures with mining companies, or creation of state-owned reprocessing of tailings and mining wastes • national joint ventures, bilateral agreements with other producing production of minerals but also participating in joint ventures, investing in complementary assets, and establishing

BC Housing · 24 April 2024 English


ownership, control, participation, connections (joint-ventures or partnerships) or leadership. .2 Describe

Yellowhead Institute · 22 April 2024 English

this funding is allocated to departments, agencies, or organizations that aim to Just before the budget announcement, e Assembly support Indigenous communities and not of First Nations noted that $135 …

of successive Federal Governments has been joint ventures between resource companies and Indigenous communities

CIGI: Centre for International Governance Innovation · 16 April 2024 English

A field with its roots established in the 1950s, artificial intelligence (AI) is suddenly much more in the public eye and capable of doing useful things for casual users as …

institutions. On services, foreign direct investment, joint ventures the other hand, certain of the non-sample countries

Wilson Center Canada · 3 April 2024 English

It is the world’s largest resource towards the end of the 2000s decade, that of the mineral that is crucial for the world’s succeeded in fueling public spending and energy …

that may not necessarily amended to allow for joint ventures be- match that needed for developing oil and percentage model of the natural that allows for joint ventures between YLB gas sector, while others give the

Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy · 30 March 2024 English

The premise of the work is that economic development stories need to be shared among those involved in economic development, both in the community where the economic development activities take …

Development holds a significant interest in the joint ventures, owning 35% of the Mudjatik Thyssen Joint Venture

UMP: University of Manitoba Press · 29 March 2024 English

This first-of-its-kind collection shares stories not only of entrepreneurial excellence and persistence but of savvy leadership, innovation, and reciprocity, providing hope to Indigenous business leaders, youth, and elected officials working …

socio-economic conditions; 2. forming alliances and joint ventures among themselves and with non-Aboriginal peoples

Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy · 27 March 2024 English

One of the long-term goals is to develop a set of resources that is Indigenous-led and available to Indigenous communities across the province and the country. [...] Beauval An eco-system …

presence and securing opportunities through joint ventures, a common approach both at that time and among starting out. However, it became evident that joint ventures lacked sustainability and often placed the

Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy · 20 March 2024 English

One of the long-term goals is to develop a set of resources that is Indigenous-led and available to Indigenous communities across the province and the country. [...] To this end, …

housing industry was through labor pools or joint ventures. However, by the 1990s, direct involvement various 7 First Nations, as well as through joint ventures with them, may arise in the future. NexGen

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