
Mariculture is a specialized branch of aquaculture (which includes freshwater aquaculture) involving the cultivation of marine organisms for food and other products in the open ocean of offshore aquaculture, an enclosed section of the ocean, or in tanks, ponds or raceways which are filled with seawater. It is commonly known as marine farming also. An example of the latter is the farming of marine fish, including finfish and shellfish like prawns, or oysters and seaweed in saltwater ponds. Non-food products produced by mariculture include: fish meal, nutrient agar, jewellery (e.g. cultured pearls), and cosmetics.



CIRANO: Centre for Interuniversity Research and Analysis on Organizations · 7 May 2024 English

Les initiatives visant la réduction des PGA les plus rapportées par les répondants incluent l’activité de glanage, qui consiste en la cueillette et le partage des surplus; la récupération de …

l’agriculture, de la pêche, de la pisciculture et de la mariculture (culture de plantes et d’espèces marines, principalement

PICES: North Pacific Marine Science Organization · 17 April 2024 English

All names and claims expressed in this book of abstracts are solely those of the authors and do not represent those of the PICES Organization, nor those of their affiliated …

marine engineering, and small-scale fisheries and mariculture. Pacific herring require healthy spawning and

PICES: North Pacific Marine Science Organization · 29 February 2024 English

NPRB directs research towards species, processes, and dynamics in the marine ecosystems of Alaska, including the Gulf of Alaska, the Bering Sea, the Aleutian Islands, and the Chukchi and Beaufort …

DW/ha/yr) 69 Carbon fixed by phytoplankton, mariculture kelp and Importance and specificity of climate S. b Z. M. b. Benefit and cost analysis of mariculture based on ecosystem services. Ecol. Econ. 68, development. Marine aquaculture (hereafter, mariculture) is a significant means by which humans interact total output of aquatic products. The output of mariculture was 21.4 million tons, accounting for about 41% year-on-year increase of 3.4% (MARA, 2020). China's mariculture industry has gradually shifted from large-scale

PICES: North Pacific Marine Science Organization · 22 February 2024 English

All names and claims expressed in this book of abstracts are solely those of the authors and do not represent those of the PICES Organization, nor those of their affiliated …

Copepods are proven nutritious food sources for the mariculture/larviculture industry, however, unreliable methods

PICES: North Pacific Marine Science Organization · 3 January 2024 English

Many of the recommended core indicators were selected in all ecosystems to reflect environmental and human pressures and ecosystem responses; however, not all core indicators could be examined (because, for …

committee national EEZs Quantity and value of mariculture of will ask aggregated by X YES will ask X (will

PICES: North Pacific Marine Science Organization · 18 September 2023 English

to fast growth, coastal life, fisheries, and mariculture. The abundance, distribution, and source analyses materials, textile materials, fisheries, and mariculture) were dominant in the Beibu Gulf. In this study (S12-16535 Invited) Evaluating the sensitivity of mariculture species to heatwaves and mapping aquaculture frequent heatwaves have caused devasting impacts on mariculture in China and around the globe. It is urgent and and important to evaluate the sensitivity of mariculture species to these thermal stressors, and then

ELC: Environmental Law Centre · 10 August 2023 English

Cleaning up Coles Bay and the BC Coast: The Urgent Need for Federal Action to Address Indigenous Shellfish Issues Page 7 of 66 Note: For a discussion of the complementary …

” Judith Williams, Clam Gardens – Aboriginal Mariculture on Canada’s West Coast (Vancouver: Transmontanus Fisheries Development Foundation, Inc., “Alaska Mariculture Initiative,” online: org/projects/current-projects/alaska-mariculture-initiative/ []; California: Pacific Coast http://www.massshellfishinitiative Motive and agency in traditional northwest coast mariculture” (2015) Human Ecology, 43(2), 201 as cited in

PICES: North Pacific Marine Science Organization · 14 July 2023 English

Update SG is nominating the candidates of the External Review Committee members, and once GC agrees on the list and procedure, the members will be invited and the review will …

of will ask aggregated X YES will ask X (will mariculture of by quantity, ask) seaweeds, fish, not shellfish

PICES: North Pacific Marine Science Organization · 1 July 2023

The main objectives for the second PST meeting on July 13, 2021 (JST) were to: (1) review the updates in the FishGIS smartphone application, (2) discuss the draft PDM and …

research budget, and with the drive to increase mariculture production there is strong support for all HAB

PICES: North Pacific Marine Science Organization · 25 June 2023 English

the connection between humanity and the ocean, the challenges the global ocean faces, and the need for Norway is one of the keenest countries to engage in humanity to take …

initiatives topics of interest for aquaculture that mariculture must continueI nterdfoisr cniepwlin inasryti

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