Neutron Bomb
A neutron bomb, officially defined as a type of enhanced radiation weapon (ERW), is a low yield thermonuclear weapon designed to maximize lethal neutron radiation in the immediate vicinity of the blast while minimizing the physical power of the blast itself. The neutron release generated by a nuclear fusion reaction is intentionally allowed to escape the weapon, rather than being absorbed by its other components. The neutron burst, which is used as the primary destructive action of the warhead, is able to penetrate enemy armor more effectively than a conventional warhead, thus making it more lethal as a tactical weapon. …
Wilson Center Canada · 22 March 2022 English
The article is divided into three parts: the first section focuses on the origin of the debate during the Johnson years; the second offers the background and context of Colby’s …
Musto 8. Prelude to the Euromissile Crisis The Neutron Bomb Affair, the Netherlands, and the ‘Defeat of …
Wilson Center Canada · 10 May 2021 English
We hope that the two papers demonstrate how Cairo perceived and reacted to the crisis, and in the process contribute to an understanding of the broader politics of the crisis …
Musto 8. Prelude to the Euromissile Crisis The Neutron Bomb Affair, the Netherlands, and the ‘Defeat of …
MLI: Macdonald-Laurier Institute · 22 October 2020 English
Gorbachev transformed the political climate, and with the Reykjavik Summit, the subsequent signing of the INF Treaty became a symbol of the beginning of the end of the Cold War. …
had occurred before INF on the issue of the neutron bomb – a capa- bility desired for strategic reasons … seen to advocate publicly for the weapon (the neutron bomb was a low-yield, short radiation half life without …
MLI: Macdonald-Laurier Institute · 22 October 2020 English
Gorbachev transformed the political climate, and with the Reykjavik Summit, the subsequent signing of the INF Treaty became a symbol of the beginning of the end of the Cold War. …
had occurred before INF on the issue of the neutron bomb – a capa- bility desired for strategic reasons … seen to advocate publicly for the weapon (the neutron bomb was a low-yield, short radiation half life without …
Wilson Center Canada · 29 July 2019 English
Julius Robert Oppenheimer, the father of the atomic bomb, became one of the most iconic figures of the twentieth century through his work as director of the Los Alamos team, …
Musto 8. Prelude to the Euromissile Crisis The Neutron Bomb Affair, the Netherlands, and the ‘Defeat of …
UAP: University of Alberta Press · 2017 English
What if Demeter, the timeless fertility goddess of ancient Greek myth, slipped through a crack into the twenty-first century, shook off her ankle bracelets, corn tassels, and garlands, and began …
Terminator seeds, agriculture’s neutron bombs, genetically programmed for sterility, creep across the Mexican border, polluting …
NSP: New Society Publishers · 2016 English
Over the past two centuries we have witnessed a wholesale replacement of most of the previous methods of conducting both business and daily life with new, technologically advanced, more efficient …
powerful nuclear weapons—the hydrogen bomb, the neutron bomb—along with more advanced delivery systems, …
ECW Press · 2015 English
Peter Cammon, now retired from New Scotland Yard, is drawn into a confrontation with evil in a most unlikely setting. The former chief inspector finds himself in the suburbs of …
Musing on neutron bombs, Jackson rang the bell at Number 4. …
Metcalf Foundation · 31 December 2014 English
Among Canadian university graduates, the success rate (twice the median income or more) is greater than the OECD average, yet the proportion of those making half the median income or …
General Electric (so-called because, like a neutron bomb, he left the buildings standing but eliminated …
ACORN: ACORN Canada · 2 October 2014 English
One was the near-revolutionary response to the calamity of the Great Depression in the 1930s, premised on the view that markets sometimes fail and it is the role of government …
General Electric (so-called because, like a neutron bomb, he left the buildings standing but eliminated …