The catastrophic terror Soviet power unleashed on the Ukrainian countryside in the early 1930s altered every aspect of village life. Based on extensive interviews with villagers throughout Ukraine, The Transformation of Civil Society provides an oral history of the material and cultural destruction sustained in rural Ukraine throughout the Stalinist era. Beginning with wholesale deportations and evictions, followed by the process of collectivization in Ukraine, the Soviet state’s impact on peasant life extended deep into the fabric of society. Targeting the cultural life of these Ukrainians, the 1930s began with the physical repression of religious institutions and personnel, the repression of church ritual, and later, the repression of entertainment and expressive culture such as music making. By bringing to light the experiences of more than four hundred Ukrainians who witnessed the terror of the Stalinist era, William Noll privileges villagers' points of view on the near total destruction of their world and preserves the memory of their civil society. Almost twenty-five years after its Ukrainian publication, The Transformation of Civil Society makes this classic available in English for the first time.