cover image: Rethinking health inequities



Rethinking health inequities

26 Apr 2013

With these findings in mind we have made the following recommendations: 1) In order for policy-makers to recognize the diverse and unique needs of lone mothers it is important to engage in conversations with lone mothers and listen to their perspectives, experiences and suggestions. [...] Lone mothers stressed the importance of changing 6 stereotypes, particularly among policy makes and service providers, and the need to incorporate the knowledge and perspectives of lone mothers into policies and programs. [...] In order to develop a portrait of the needs, resources, experiences, and perceptions of lone mothers and their families in Atlantic Canada, and to identify the significant links between their health and their social and economic inclusion/exclusion, we conducted 11 focus groups and 27 semi-structured interviews with lone mothers across the Atlantic provinces. [...] Applying social and economic exclusion and inclusion theories allows for new ways to recognize and comprehend poverty and disadvantage and their impact on health and well-being (Shookner, 2002), while redefining necessities to include those things lone mothers and their families need to be socially and economically included in society. [...] Similarly, Shookner (2002) created the Inclusion Lens as a tool that would assist the Population and Public Health Branch, Atlantic Regional Office, Health Canada2 to achieve one of its broader objectives to guide the development of healthy public policies and programs that speak to the determinants of health as well as social and economic inclusion.
health education child care school poverty research evaluation discrimination canada childcare employment family labour medicine social isolation unemployment women's health low income day care community inclusion society focus group abuse single mothers teaching and learning daycare medical drugs marginalization lone parent


Barber, Tanya

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