cover image: The truth behind the obligation to take back returned items : Mythe de l'obligation de reprendre un bien retourné : politiques de retour ou délai de rétractation pour les achats en magasin : rapport final du projet présenté au Bureau de la consommation d'Industrie Canada



The truth behind the obligation to take back returned items : Mythe de l'obligation de reprendre un bien retourné : politiques de retour ou délai de rétractation pour les achats en magasin : rapport final du projet présenté au Bureau de la consommation d'Industrie Canada

15 Sep 2015

As confirmed, for instance, by the information website of the Consumer Affairs Office, in many cases a retailer’s return policy is written on the back of the cash receipt, which of course is handed to the consumer only once the transaction is completed. [...] He doesn’t have to give the merchant any reason, and the merchant generally has no way to refuse cancellation of the contract so long as the consumer gives him his notice of cancellation within the period and according to the procedure prescribed by law. [...] Union des consommateurs page 12 The Truth behind the Obligation to Take back Returned Items • “Direct sellers” – Ontario, Alberta and Nova Scotia laws also give the consumer a ten- day period of reflection, but from the date when the copy of the contract is received, or for a longer period in certain circumstances (Ontario: sec. [...] Among the agreement’s measures is, in the first section, the consumer’s absolute right to cancel a direct sales contract within 10 days following the date when he receives a copy of the written contract or, if the laws in effect in his province or territory of residence don’t require a written contract, within 10 days after the day when he receives from the seller a notice of his right of cancella [...] The contract is dissolved pleno jure from the return of the goods or of the net capital or from the sending of the notice to the merchant or his representative (sec.
government politics retail economy regulation e-commerce business civil law consumer goods consumer protection electronic commerce law retail trade sales warranty contract mobile phone economic sector parliament provincial territories seller restocking fees restocking fee returning goods online retailer warranty plans product return


Delapeta, Ioana, Labelle, Yannick

Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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