cover image: Green Party of Manitoba platform 2007 : Rethinking progress : well-being not growth



Green Party of Manitoba platform 2007 : Rethinking progress : well-being not growth

6 May 2007

The Green Party of Manitoba was founded in 1998 with the objective of achieving a socially, ecologically, and economically sustainable society. Manitoba Greens have recognized the interdependence of these three areas from our beginning. Today we have a broad array of policies, a full executive council, a committed group of volunteers, a downtown Winnipeg office to serve as a hub for Green Politics, a website that is updated weekly, and a growing number of supporters and contacts in Manitoba and abroad. The Green Party of Manitoba is proud to present to you this 2007 electoral platform. It is the culmination of over eight years of policy work and we believe offers a vision and direction that, if acted on, could allow Manitoba to achieve sustainability. This platform is fundamentally different from the 'grey parties' platforms, which focus on simply expanding "economic" activity (production and consumption) without concern for future generations. The Greens suggest it is time to rethink progress and the idea that "growth" (of the economy) is always a 'good thing'. Questioning the ideology of growth is critical if we are to achieve a sustainable society, because a sustainable society is not one that is continually increasing its material and energy input (resources) and output (products and waste). We must limit the amount of "throughput" (matter and energy moving through the economy) at a level that can be sustained by the Earth's absorptive (of waste) and regenerative (of resources) capacities.
health agriculture environment energy education politics democracy sustainability economy school water poverty fossil fuels resources ecology fuels political parties precautionary principle sanitation transport election electoral system manitoba further education natural environment energy development campaign literature genuine progress indicator unsustainable green politics school lunch


Basham, Andrew

Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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