cover image: LHINs and the housing system / : Local Health Integration Networks and the housing system



LHINs and the housing system / : Local Health Integration Networks and the housing system

10 Dec 2013

The following recommendations are intended to improve LHIN-supportive housing provider collaboration and to begin building necessary connections between the housing and health systems: •. There is a general and pressing need for LHINs to enhance their housing policy capacity. [...] But I don’t think they fully grasp what supportive housing is: they just aren’t used to the interplay between being and landlord and support service provider.” In 2006, as the LHINs were being created, ONPHA called for adequate representation of sup- portive housing providers in LHIN governance to ensure that LHINS understood the mission, orientation, and legal position of the supportive housing p [...] A mental health supportive housing provider similarly commented that in applying a medical model lens to supportive housing, “what is lost in the dialogue is the attempt to normalize the mental health client experience.” The current health system approach to determining where patients should receive care is where the level of care provided best fits their needs, neither leaving them with unmet nee [...] It’s a journey that is about sense of hope and waking up in the morning and having purpose.” 4 See Appendix 1 for a discussion of the alternative level of care (ALC) concept, which is vital determinant of how LHINs engage with the supportive housing sector. [...] Some forms of housing are exempt from the RTA and its requirements, for example, “living accommodation occupied by a person for the purpose of receiving rehabilitative or therapeutic services…” Housing can qualify for this exemption if: (i) the parties have agreed that, (a) the period of occupancy will be of a specified duration, or (b) the occupancy will terminate when the objectives of the servi
health government politics interinstitutional relations mental health aids leases public housing illness health care social problem homelessness lease regional medical programs health system affordable housing society addiction affordable rental housing supportive housing virus disease housing first tenancies interagency coordination congregate housing leasehold estate landlord and tenant
Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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