cover image: Ways tried and true : Cadre des méthodes autochtones éprouvées pour l'Initiative canadienne des pratiques exemplaires



Ways tried and true : Cadre des méthodes autochtones éprouvées pour l'Initiative canadienne des pratiques exemplaires

10 Aug 2015

The WTT Working Group, spanning two phases and consisting of a total of over 20 different members with diverse expertise in Aboriginal health and evidence-based research, has been a pivotal and active partner in all aspects of the project (See Appendix A for a list of members), including identifying focus areas and troubleshooting issues with the existing intervention assessment and selection crit [...] The discussion culminates in the presentation of a new approach to the identification and assessment of public health interventions in Aboriginal contexts. [...] The rationale Kokomis Lavalley provided is: “ THE SHARING OF THE EFFORTS MADE BY THE PROGRAMS AND INITIATIVES WE PROPOSE TO EXAMINE NEEDS TO BE ABOUT UNDERSTANDING THE ACT OF DOING AND NOT ABOUT DOCUMENTING WHAT HAS BEEN DONE OR IS ANTICIPATED TO BE COMPLETED IN THE FUTURE. [...] WAYS TRIED AND TRUE SPEAKS OF WHAT WE VALUE AS MEETING OUR STANDARDS, AND SPEAKS TO OTHERS OF KNOWLEDGE THEY CAN TRUST AND RESPECT.” 6 WAYS TRIED AND TRUE 3. FOUNDATION AND METHODOLOGY OF THE WTT FRAMEWORK 3.1 Our Conceptual Model for Aboriginal Wellness In the discussion below, we highlight the definition of health and wellness used as the basis for the Ways Tried and True (WTT) Framework. [...] Community Based In the context of the WTT Framework, the concept of community-based intervention is defined by the degree to which Aboriginal stakeholders (community members, service providers, community leaders, Elders) are involved in the identification of the need, planning, design, delivery, adaptation and evaluation of an intervention.
health education school public health curriculum health promotion evaluation canada chronic diseases maladies chroniques culture medicine teachers best practice community collaboration further education society quantitative teaching and learning health treatment educational assessment native peoples expert evaluations wellness leaders evaluated santé publique inter-rater reliability significance autochtones promotion de la santé okichitaw
Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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