cover image: Prince Edward Island Sayings


Prince Edward Island Sayings


Finally, Story; my Irish parents-in-law, Lylagh David Weale's name is scattered and Sam Shields; members of the throughout the dictionary entries as American Dialect Society, the Atlantic the source of examples from Them Provinces Linguistic Association, the Times, first a series of radio broadcasts Dictionary Society of North America, about the pre-war Island, and then an the European Association [...] I include my colleagues in of whom I have never met, kindly the Department of English, two Deans responded to my queries on the elec- of Arts, two Presidents, and the staff tronic bulletin board of the American of a host of service departments, Dialect Society. [...] It may be true, as in the present Tom McArthur has brilliantly demon- case, that the groupings arise natu- strated in his Worlds of Reference rally from the data, and are not (1986), such normality may turn out imposed by an abstract system like A, not to amount to a row of postholes, a B, C. It might even be that the result mere five hundred years in the his- can highlight significant truths. [...] Conversely, so greedy they with, There's no hard times in Mim- would steal the eyes out of your head and inegash - we have butter on the plates come back the next day for the holes is and two spoons in the molasses dish.' long but quite rhythmic in the second The hangabouts immediately latched clause, and it did make the final list. [...] D. Their various localities, top in their order from west to east; as named in the entries, can be seen the three, long-established counties of on map i. Finally, a sample of the Prince, Queens, and Kings, from occupations of these informants, in which are removed the two intersect- the order that they happen to reside ing, urban areas of Summerside and in our files, includes youth worker, Charlot
dialects english language prince edward island quotations, maxims, etc


T.K. Pratt, Scott Burke

Mentioned Organizations

Bibliography, etc. Note
Includes bibliographical references and index
Control Number Identifier
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Dewey Decimal Edition Number
General Note
Issued as part of the desLibris books collection
Geographic Area Code
0802009204 9781442664821
LCCN Item number
P75 1998eb
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Physical Description | Extent
1 electronic text (xxxi, 169 p.)
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System Control Number
(CaBNVSL)slc00228262 (OCoLC)779696011 (CaOOCEL)436360
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Mode of access: World Wide Web
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