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3 May 2023

At the multilateral level are the obligations in the World Trade Organization Agreement prohibiting these kinds of measures. [...] The more likely source of future trade wars, however, is at the domestic level, where national trade remedy laws – as in the US, Canada, the EU, Australia, etc. [...] Canada has been the target of this kind of trade action in the long-running softwood lumber war with the United States. [...] The agency will investigate and if it finds that the described imports are indeed subsidized, the matter goes to the Canadian International Trade Tribunal to inquire into whether those imports cause or threaten financial injury to the complaining producers. [...] The concern is illustrated by the action against solar panels, notwithstanding their carbon- reduction attributes, where the American industry complained about subsidized exports from Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia, ultimately winning their case with the application of CVDs to the goods in question.



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