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Teaching Media: Learning With Media Overview Learning Outcomes

5 Sep 2023

For an example of the opposite end of the spectrum, you may tell students about the Canadian documentary Tripping the Rideau Canal, which is a three-hour documentary which shows a continuous point-of-view shot of a boat traveling along the Rideau Canal in Ontario. [...] How does that affect where we place them on the arrow? How does that affect how much you can trust them as a source of information? • Where would you place a feature film that is “based on a true story” or on a historical event? What specific things about that film would affect where you placed it? • Although documentaries generally only include things that really happened, the people who make the. [...] Remind students of the different ways that the makers of the different clips got and directed the viewer’s attention to different things and encourage them to think carefully about what choices will be the most useful in teaching the viewer how to make a paper airplane. [...] Every type of media has a kind of invisible frame, too! Get in the frame with Ava! • Before the video, ask: What kinds of choices do you think people make when they make media, like filming a movie? • After the video, ask: What’s the difference between looking out a window and seeing something framed in media? How can the media frame sometimes be misleading? 5 © 2023 MediaSmarts. [...] How can you tell the difference? Ava’s got hot tips on how to spot fake news! • Before the video, ask: What’s the difference between news and other media? • After the video, ask: What are some of the things Ava suggests doing to find out if a news story is reliable? (Find out where it came from and if they’re a reliable source of news.) • What are some places reliable news comes from? (Print newsp.



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