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Teaching Media: Media Techniques Overview Learning Outcomes

6 Sep 2023

Now ask students : Have you ever seen the same story told in two different forms of media? A movie based on a comic, for example, or a cartoon based on a myth or a fairy tale? How were the stories different when they were told in different media forms? Explain that different media have different tools and techniques that media makers can use to send a message or tell a story. [...] Now have students compare the two and try to spot all of the techniques used in the second one that are not in the first one. [...] Explain that the top circle is live-action movies and the bottom is comics, and go through it with the class: • things that are just in one circle are techniques that one medium but not the other uses to tell stories and tell you what to pay attention to • things in the middle section are techniques that both media use to tell stories or tell you what to pay attention to Now ask: What would be som. [...] Every type of media has a kind of invisible frame, too! Get in the frame with Ava! • Before the video, ask: What kinds of choices do you think people make when they make media, like filming a movie? • After the video, ask: What’s the difference between looking out a window and seeing something framed in media? How can the media frame sometimes be misleading? Reading Images! Did you know you can re. [...] What makes you remember them? What makes them exciting, or funny, or dramatic? • After the video, ask: Did some of the movie scenes you thought of use the things Ava was talking about, like close-ups, camera angles, and light and colour? (You can use YouTube to watch some of these scenes if you don’t have a copy or access on a streaming service.) Do other media, like comics or video games, use som.



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