
Abortion is the ending of a pregnancy by removal or expulsion of an embryo or fetus. An abortion that occurs without intervention is known as a miscarriage or "spontaneous abortion" and occurs in approximately 30% to 40% of pregnancies. When deliberate steps are taken to end a pregnancy, it is called an induced abortion, or less frequently "induced miscarriage". The unmodified word abortion generally refers to an induced abortion.When properly done, abortion is one of the safest procedures in medicine,:1 :1 but unsafe abortion is a major cause of maternal death, especially in the developing world. Making safe abortion legal …



DDN: Dundurn Press · 25 June 2024 English

Sixteen-year-old Abbie Linklater hasn’t been home for three days. Her mother believes Abbie’s getting an abortion. Her twin brother thinks she’s studying at the library. Her best friend couldn’t care less. Her

and, to put it bluntly, how she might have an abortion. I think it might have helped that she doesn’t

NSP: New Society Publishers · 25 June 2024 English

Deep polarization in our society prevents us from working collaboratively to solve the problems we face. The Solutionary Way offers a practical approach, providing clear and achievable methods to bridge …

who fight against a woman’s ability to have an abortion, who oppose environmental efforts and regulations about the ability of fetuses to suffer during abortion can potentially be persuaded to support Plan support Plan B by listening to their concerns about abortion, showing respect, and working to find a place

UCP: University of Calgary Press · 15 June 2024 English

Since the first edition of this popular text was published in 1984, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms has transformed the role of the courts in Canadian politics. Addressing current …

interpretation of the Charter is long and still growing: abortion, bilingualism, criminal procedure, electoral dilemma [regarding the decision to seek out an abortion] not just because it is outside the realm of his

Fraser Institute · 24 May 2024 English

Summary Overuse of low-value healthcare services, providing little or no benefit or even avoidable harm to patients, is a common problem in Canadian healthcare systems, and one that likely contributes …

her IUD in a pharmacy except when related to an abortion procedure where it is then provided. Hormonal office (for puncture, search for liquid, or pre-abortion pill) • Ultrasounds of all kinds carried out by

CHB: Coach House Books · 7 May 2024 English

Taking its title from lossless data compression algorithms, Lossless transmits through time and space those ‘stabs of self’ that intensify with loss of relationships, of faith, of childhood, of people. …

briefest of relation- ships, went ahead with the abortion you chokingly told her you couldn’t pay for,

CARDUS: Centre for Cultural Renewal · 7 May 2024 English

Research exposes a significant gap between Canadian Christians' personal beliefs and church teachings across various denominations

to more traditional views of sexual ethics? “Abortion is the killing of an unborn human being.” This and Abortion, Christians, 2024 39 79 67 45 78 54 82 28 35 86 31 36 0 20 40 60 80 100 “Abortion is the responses were excluded. On the question of abortion, “Abortion is the killing of an unborn human being,” 54 51 58 52 62 56 54 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 “Abortion is the killing of an unborn human being.” “Government people love and are committed to one another. q. Abortion is the killing of an unborn human being. r. Regular

MQUP: McGill-Queen's University Press · 7 May 2024 English

curtail previous gender equality gains: the Mulroney government’s attempted recriminalization of abortion and the Harper government’s plans to cut funding and weaken the mandate of Status of Women Canada

Mulroney Government and the Recriminalization of Abortion 134 6 The Harper Government and Cuts to Status Mulroney government’s attempt to recriminalize abortion in the 34th Parliament and the Harper gov- ernment’s

AIC: Agricultural Institute of Canada · 3 May 2024 English

The magazine explores some of the challenges in expanding carbon finance for clean cooking; innovative efforts to bring more investors onto the scene; and new programs to strengthen the market’s …

women and girls have increased, including cases of abortion and concealment of birth, human trafficking, sexual

EVA: Ending Violence Association of BC · 29 April 2024 English

Best Principles and Practices Guideline for Sexual Assault Response for Healthcare Professionals and Anti-Violence Workers The best principles and practices for sexual assault response outlined in this guideline are based …

reproductive healthcare, including contraception, abortion, information to make decisions, and access to

CIHI: Canadian Institute for Health Information · 23 April 2024 English

Standards and protocols for administering the Canadian Patient Experiences Survey — Inpatient Care (CPES-IC).

compassionate grounds (e.g., discharged to hospice care, abortion or miscarriage, patients with loss of baby, assault

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