African Studies

African studies is the study of Africa, especially the continent's cultures and societies (as opposed to its geology, geography, zoology, etc.). The field includes the study of Africa's history (Pre-colonial, colonial, post-colonial), demography (ethnic groups), culture, politics, economy, languages, and religion (Islam, Christianity, traditional religions). A specialist in African studies is often referred to as an "africanist". A key focus of the discipline is to interrogate epistemological approaches, theories and methods in traditional disciplines using a critical lens that inserts African-centred ways of knowing and references. Africanists argue that there is a need to "deexoticize" Africa and banalise it, rather …



RSC: Royal Society of Canada · 25 October 2024 English

and Africa; and the recipient of a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Canadian Association of African Studies. [...] Cope et le prix James Flack Norris de l’American Chemical Society, la médaille d’or Gerhard

Achievement Award from the Canadian Association of African Studies. Not only did Saul conduct groundbreaking and courses and other initiatives, linked to both African studies and development studies. • John Saul, qui a

RSC: Royal Society of Canada · 24 October 2024 English

The next President of the RSC will be Françoise Baylis, the next President of the Academy of Arts and Humanities will be James Grier, the next President of the Academy …

Violet King Engaged Scholar Award, expanded the African Studies program, and established sustainable OERs.

MQUP: McGill-Queen's University Press · 17 September 2024 English

At the height of its popularity in the late nineteenth century, absinthe reigned in the bars, cafés, and restaurants of France and its colonial empire. Yet by the time it …

medical history, and (North) African studies, such as the African Studies Association of the uk conference

WEKH: Women Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub · 22 August 2024 English

businesses, majority-owned by women This report provides an update on the fluctuated from 17.7% in the first quarter, state of women’s entrepreneurship in 19.1% in the second quarter, 17.8% in …

Canadian Prairie Provinces. Canadian Journal of African Studies/Revue canadienne des études africaines, 56(2)

WEKH: Women Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub · 22 August 2024 French

> Comparativement à leurs homologues masculins, les travailleuses autonomes sont plus présentes dans les secteurs suivants : les soins de santé et l’assistance sociale; les services professionnels, scientifiques et techniques; …

Canadian Prairie Provinces ». Canadian Journal of African Studies/Revue canadienne des études africaines, 56(2)

FRQSC: Fonds québécois de la recherche sur la société et la culture · 3 July 2024 French

77 Tableau 24: Les pistes de pratiques pour les intervenants en soutien communautaire - Activités de soutien au dépistage précoce des risques à la santé chez les aînés et auprès …

Representation in Peri-Urban Harare, Zimbabwe. African Studies Quarterly, 15(1), 37-68.

CDA: Conference of Defence Associations Institute · 9 April 2024 English

This report thus urges policymakers and practitioners to take seriously the gendered role of identity and socialization in their efforts to prevent the perpetration of conflict-related sexual violence and to …

Republic of Congo.” Journal of Contemporary African Studies 28, no. 2 (April 2010): 119–35. https://doi

FRQSC: Fonds québécois de la recherche sur la société et la culture · 14 February 2024 French

77 Tableau 24: Les pistes de pratiques pour les intervenants en soutien communautaire - Activités de soutien au dépistage précoce des risques à la santé chez les aînés et auprès …

Representation in Peri-Urban Harare, Zimbabwe. African Studies Quarterly, 15(1), 37-68.

Wilson Center Canada · 31 January 2024 English

We have multiple essays across the publication that focus on AGOA’s impact and renewal, as well as changing trade dynamics in Africa and globally, including the expansion of BRICS and …

an associate professor at the Department of African Studies, Social Sciences University of Ankara, TÜRKİYE Daniel Maweu Lee is a doctoral candidate in African Studies and Research at Howard University. He is a

Agricultural Policy Research Networks · 5 November 2023 English

The question is what is the impact of GESS on income of the beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries in the study area? What are the influences of socio economic characteristics of farmers …

Agricultural Sector in Nigeria. Journal of African Studies and Development. Vol.4, No.2, pp.51-59 UNICEF

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