
Democratization, or democratisation, is the transition to a more democratic political regime, including substantive political changes moving in a democratic direction. It may be the transition from an authoritarian regime to a full democracy, a transition from an authoritarian political system to a semi-democracy or transition from a semi-authoritarian political system to a democratic political system. The outcome may be consolidated (as it was for example in the United Kingdom) or democratization may face frequent reversals (as happened in Chile). Different patterns of democratization are often used to explain other political phenomena, such as whether a country goes to a …



MQUP: McGill-Queen's University Press · 15 June 2024 English

Complemented by over 150 rarely seen illustrations, Needle Work moves from coast to coast and across more than one hundred years to provide a key chapter in the history of …

these commercial image makers represented a democratization of a visual culture, specifically, that of portraiture

CARDUS: Centre for Cultural Renewal · 14 May 2024 English

No, right-of-centre policymakers don't own the school choice movement. Progressives have been supporting educational pluralism at least since the 1960s

commitment to common academic content (or, the democratization of the liberal arts), eroded in favour of a

Conseil supérieur de l'éducation du Québec · 9 May 2024 English

– 2 – Generative Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education: Pedagogical and Ethical Issues | Summary Importance of ministerial action and consultation with stakeholders In the eyes of the CSE and …

to consider the many issues raised by the democratization of generative AI, which go beyond the question

UOP: University of Ottawa Press · 30 April 2024 English

Since March 2020, there has been an explosion of analyses about the short-term impact and future consequences of long COVID on international relations. This unprecedented crisis demands that we think …

sive progress, in fact the greatest wave of democratization in history, even considering the questionable package revolves around democratization. This includes the democratization of international organizations their ability to perform. More and more, democratization entails the imperative of inclusion. This

CDA: Conference of Defence Associations Institute · 9 April 2024 English

This report thus urges policymakers and practitioners to take seriously the gendered role of identity and socialization in their efforts to prevent the perpetration of conflict-related sexual violence and to …

Melander. “Disentangling Gender, Peace and Democratization: The Negative Effects of Militarized Masculinity

Entertainment Software Association of Canada · 21 March 2024 English

As teachers and parents have gained a greater understanding of the value of device-based learning to support both synchronous and asynchronous teacher-student education, and as teachers have had to learn …

Gym, points to an exciting and unexpected democratization of VR among seniors, a demographic group you

CUISR: Community University Institute for Social Research · 21 March 2024 English

To address the shortage of nurses in rural Saskatchewan and make the health care system more culturally competent, in 2012, the College of Nursing of the University of Saskatchewan initiated …

distributed medical education reflects the “democratization of medical education” in Canada (Ellaway &

CGAI: Canadian Global Affairs Institute · 1 March 2024 English

Table of Contents Introduction Can China Act Rationally Regarding Taiwan? Attitudes in Taiwan Are Hardening Taiwan is a Genuine Democracy Can Taiwan Defend Itself? What Are the Projected Costs in …

Score of 96. (Freedom House 2023b) But Japan’s democratization was forced upon it after the United States important exception to this general rule. Taiwan’s democratization movement began in the late 1980s and early poster child for the global “third wave” of democratization that occurred in the 1980s and 1990s. Its transition Lee, Myung-sik. 2010. The History of [the] Democratization Movement in Korea. Seoul: Korea Democracy Foundation

CIGI: Centre for International Governance Innovation · 14 February 2024

civic and political issues their influence and decision making are opaque. [...] Similarly, the democratization of media production and About the Authors distribution, which allows previously unheard voices

of bigotry and harassment. Similarly, the democratization of media production and About the Authors distribution

Wellesley Institute · 2 January 2024 English

The Data-Pop Alliance, a non-profit think tank focused on advancing global use of data for change, aimed to define data literacy in the context of community empowerment, leading to the …

& Mobility. 2022:1. 18. McKinlay SN. Data Democratization: The Unsung Hero of Health Equity — Health center/blog/data-democratization-the-unsung-hero-of-health-equity/. 19. Schnarch

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