
Genocide is the intentional action to destroy a people—usually defined as an ethnic, national, racial, or religious group—in whole or in part. A term coined by Raphael Lemkin in his 1944 book Axis Rule in Occupied Europe, the hybrid word geno-cide is a combination of the Greek word γένος (genos, "race, people") and the Latin suffix -caedo ("act of killing").The United Nations Genocide Convention, which was established in 1948, defines genocide as "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such" including the killing of its members, causing serious …



MQUP: McGill-Queen's University Press · 3 September 2024 English

Covering a broad swathe of time, from colonization to the present day, Forced Migration in/to Canada examines human displacement in a variety of contexts: Indigenous dislocation and settler colonialism, Black …

13 and 28 engage squarely with the cul- tural genocide and displacements caused by settler colonialism Colonialism and its injustices, culminating in genocide, are framed as artifacts of historical societies adversary to settler society. In Accounting for Genocide, Neu and Therrien examine how the colonial state processes. As Neu and Therrien observe, the colonial genocide of Indigenous Peoples in Canada was a calculated

DDN: Dundurn Press · 13 August 2024 English

Canada’s social safety net is fraying. Why does it feel like everything is collapsing?Canada is at a crossroad. Neoliberalism has hollowed out and sold off the social services Canadians rely …

religious organizations coordinated Canada’s genocide. Similar to the ways that neoliberalism sees collective in western Canada is both a story of Canadian genocide and a story of how Quebecers played unique and The Catholic Church became the handmaiden of genocide, funded by white Catholic Quebecers operating benign. Just as heath institutions facilitated genocide, so too did schools. Residential schools were were a powerful location of social exclusion and genocide. The impact of using social services for racist

IISD: International Institute for Sustainable Development · 9 August 2024 English

This case study analyzes the extent to which a small agribusiness in Rwanda complies with international standards for responsible investment in agriculture.

District of Rwanda, returning after the 1994 genocide to establish a wet mill on his father’s farm. Western District of Rwanda and after the 1994 genocide returned to the area to establish a wet mill on been neglected developmentally after the Rwandan genocide. The stakeholder interviews revealed that the of the column that entered Rwanda to stop the genocide.12 Mahembe Coffee: A cherry producer, green bean

MQUP: McGill-Queen's University Press · 15 July 2024 English

Resistant Practices in Communities of Sound explores the ways that sonic practices (speaking, listening, recording, etc.) serve as forms of aesthetic and political dissent throughout the literary, artistic, and academic …

paralleled by the ongoing appropriation, erasure, and genocide enacted upon Indigenous peoples through, among

MQUP: McGill-Queen's University Press · 15 June 2024 English

While scholarship on refugee migration tends to center on the Global North, most refugees actually reside in the Global South. This book shifts the focus, revealing how governments in the …

thousand Burundian and Rwandan refugees fleeing genocide during the Great Lakes refugee crisis (Long 2012)

AUP: Athabasca University Press · 28 May 2024 English

Reckoning with the experiences of refugees can inform epistemological and practical approaches to humanizing migrant populations before, during, and after their resettlement. Contributors explore what it means to experience dehumanization, …

feature relevant to the growing number of works in genocide studies that make conceptual use of dehumanization conflict, violence, civil strife, and/or even genocide. Practitioners of conflict resolution have repeatedly

PMLQ: Parti marxiste-léniniste du Québec · 18 May 2024 English

On called on Canadians to rename Victoria Day as this day the Party calls on members and support- Patriots’ Day and celebrate our patriots, not those ers across the country …

in six of personalities who fought against the genocide of Canada’s 10 provinces and all three of its is an official ist dictate, blackmail and even genocide are labelled holiday to honour those Canadians

AUP: Athabasca University Press · 14 May 2024 English

In every sphere of life, division and intolerance has polarized communities and entire nations. The learned construction of the Other—an evil “enemy” against whom both physical and discursive violence is …

each nation- state through cultural and physical genocide, elimination, expulsion, and segregation. But minorities is achieved through deportation or, worse, genocide. Recognizing that no country is comprised of 11. 33 Daniel Jonah Goldhagen, Worse than War: Genocide, Elimination, and the Ongoing Assault on Humanity

DDN: Dundurn Press · 14 May 2024 English

NEW EDITION OF THE NATIONAL BESTSELLERTravel personality Robin Esrock explores the most unique experiences in British Columbia and Alberta in this inspiring, expanded guide from the bestselling Bucket List series.Having …

in a deadly cocktail of disease and cultural genocide. Of the Haida people who thrived on these islands

Wilson Center Canada · 6 May 2024 English

However, the past two decades have witnessed a dramatic shift in the geopolitical landscape, characterized by the erosion of multilateralism, the rise of nationalism, the resurgence of authoritarian regimes, and …

concerning picture, indicating as seen by the genocide in Rwanda and the a shift in 42 countries towards

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