Health Services Research

Health services research (HSR) became a burgeoning field in North America in the 1960s, when scientific information and policy deliberation began to coalesce. Also known as health systems research or health policy and systems research (HPSR), is a multidisciplinary scientific field that examines how people get access to health care practitioners and health care services, how much care costs, and what happens to patients as a result of this care. Health Services Research utilizes all qualitative and quantitative methods across the board to ask questions of the healthcare system. It focuses on performance, quality, effectiveness and efficiency of health care …



Fraser Institute · 24 May 2024 English

Summary Overuse of low-value healthcare services, providing little or no benefit or even avoidable harm to patients, is a common problem in Canadian healthcare systems, and one that likely contributes …

of Unnecessary Care Across Canada. BMC Health Services Research 19, 446. Boychuk, Gerard W. (2008). The Consumer Moral Hazard in Health Systems. BMC Health Services Research 22 (October 18): 1260. < https://bmchealthservres

CIRANO: Centre for Interuniversity Research and Analysis on Organizations · 23 May 2024 French

L’étude s’appuie sur un vaste ensemble de données et d’informations incluant des entrevues et sondages réalisés auprès de gestionnaires, de membres du personnel et de résidents de RPA, et des …

code status and clinical complexity. BMC health services research, 22(1), 626. code status and clinical complexity. BMC health services research, 22(1), 626.

Health and Welfare Commissioner of Quebec · 13 May 2024 French

2 LES SERVICES DE SOUTIEN À DOMICILE DANS LE CONTEXTE DU SYSTÈME DE SANTÉ CANADIEN Les provinces et territoires canadiens évoluent dans un même cadre législatif en vertu de la …

from Paramedicine in Ontario, Canada. BMC Health Services Research, 22, 1–16.

CIHI: Canadian Institute for Health Information · 3 May 2024 English

A semi-systematic literature review of the Canadian and selected international landscape on cultural safety measurement.

meta-ethnographic review. Journal of Health Services Research & Policy. 2022. 5. Hiscock EC, et al stigma in EDs improve outcomes?. BMC Health Services Research. 2022. 8. Handtke O, Schilgen B, Mösko Australia? A multiple baseline study. BMC Health Services Research. 2019. 33. Tremblay M-C, McComber A, Limniatis

Ontario Brain Institute · 30 April 2024 English

As a result of this work, we provide a comprehensive overview of the current processes and pathways of the health innovation ecosystem and provide a potential solution to help guide …

(1995). Consensus methods for medical and health services research. Br Med J, 311. doi:10.1136/bmj.311.7001

IRÉC: Institut de recherche en économie contemporaine · 30 April 2024 French

du système de revenus de retraite, ainsi que les voies d’amélioration de la sécurité financière à la retraite pour de-presse/2024/01/2500-evictions-en-rpa-en-un-an les travailleurs syndiqués de la région. [...] La part de …

persons on their family caregivers. Bmc Health Services Research, 12(1), 1–7.

NCCIH: National Collaborating Centre for Indigineous Health · 29 April 2024

Indigenous Peoples in Canada experience disproportionately high rates of tuberculosis, driven in part by the long history of trauma they have endured due to colonialism. This report provides a review …

ethnographic Health, 5(3), 6-47. study. BMC Health Services Research, 16(1), 544. Brassard, P., Anderson, K

First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada · 29 April 2024 English

I am the Scientific Director of the First Nations/Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect (FN/CIS) 2019 and the Principal Investigator of the Ontario Incidence Study of Reported …

Pediatrics Editorial 2018-Present Reviewer, BMC Health Services Research 2018-Present Reviewer, Child Development

Health and Welfare Commissioner of Quebec · 16 April 2024 French

Fiche sur la dimension des ressources du système du cadre d'évaluation de la performance du CSBE Fiche technique FICHE SUR LA DIMENSION DES RESSOURCES DU SYSTÈME DU CADRE D’ÉVALUATION DE …

integrated measurement framework. BMC Health Services Research, 20(1), 23.

RSC: Royal Society of Canada · 9 April 2024 English

The CIHR, NAPHRO and the Health Charities Coalition of Canada undertook discussions on the impacts, gaps, and opportunities in the Canadian health research landscape because of COVID-19 to identify areas …

Qualitative Methods in Rapid Turn-Around Health Services Research. [Online] Available at: http://www.hsrd

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