
Impunity means "exemption from punishment or loss or escape from fines". In the international law of human rights, it refers to the failure to bring perpetrators of human rights violations to justice and, as such, itself constitutes a denial of the victims' right to justice and redress. Impunity is especially common in countries that lack a tradition of the rule of law, suffer from corruption or that have entrenched systems of patronage, or where the judiciary is weak or members of the security forces are protected by special jurisdictions or immunities. Impunity is sometimes considered a form of denialism of …



IISD: International Institute for Sustainable Development · 3 June 2024 English

A workshop covering gender equality and related issues in ASM for key officials in Nigeria.

including provisions for addressing sexual violence, impunity, and access to services. • Capacity-Building

AUP: Athabasca University Press · 14 May 2024 English

In every sphere of life, division and intolerance has polarized communities and entire nations. The learned construction of the Other—an evil “enemy” against whom both physical and discursive violence is …

the CCP has decided to act with urgency and impunity when dealing with the Uyghurs.22 As such, Xi

Wilson Center Canada · 6 May 2024 English

However, the past two decades have witnessed a dramatic shift in the geopolitical landscape, characterized by the erosion of multilateralism, the rise of nationalism, the resurgence of authoritarian regimes, and …

widespread in Bangladesh.53 54 The report expressed impunity among regime officials. grave concerns regarding groups. efforts may only entrench a culture of impunity. The protection and promotion of human rights as well. This adaptation can lead to continued impunity, In sum, while strategic interests often further

AIC: Agricultural Institute of Canada · 3 May 2024 English

The magazine explores some of the challenges in expanding carbon finance for clean cooking; innovative efforts to bring more investors onto the scene; and new programs to strengthen the market’s …

the public and uniformed personnel can act with impunity. Under the Sudanese criminal code, rape and all

MQUP: McGill-Queen's University Press · 1 May 2024 English

When COVID-19 spread across the globe, protection measures such as social distancing, self-isolation, and self-quarantine were experienced as life on hold. A cultural inquiry into the moment of pausing and …

allowing illegal activities to take place with impunity because humanity’s attentions were otherwise occu-

CDA: Conference of Defence Associations Institute · 9 April 2024 English

other forms of sexual violence can also constitute an act of genocide. [...] commitment to ending impunity for conflict-related sexual violence and aimed to improve accountability, including through the

that strengthened the U.S. commitment to ending impunity for conflict-related sexual violence and aimed implementation has often fallen short of expectations, and impunity for this violence persists (Sellström 2015; Martin “Conflict-Related Sexual Violence and the Perils of Impunity.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 66, no. 6 (July

Wilson Center Canada · 29 March 2024 English

He has worked with the World Bank, the International Finance Corporation, the Inter-American Development Bank, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development and the US Agency for International Development to …

interests of “stakeholders without voice” with impunity because they cannot directly affect the firm’s

Wilson Center Canada · 11 March 2024 English

With the small willingness of the federal government to handle the issue and a divided National Electoral Institute (INE) and Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judiciary (TEPJF), a careful assessment …

cartel dynamics; it results from high levels of impunity, rearrangements between criminal groups, and a deals with state officials, which affords them impunity and the possibility of harnessing state power worth highlighting the significant detriment that impunity causes to the system. Even if there is no deal hand in hand with the country's dramatically high impunity rate. This demonstrates how 2 2 | Political Violence (AMLO) has publicly stated that he will ensure no impunity in any case of political violence and candidate

RI: Rideau Institute · 8 March 2024 English

The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs puts forward the same message – that the interests of Israel and the interests of Jews are one and the same. [...] It …

these crimes against humanity and grant Israel impunity to continue committing them. The message from

CCPA: Canadian Centre For Policy Alternatives · 5 March 2024 English

to the amount of cops on the street, were drawn from the city’s rapidly City dwellers’ relationship to the to the cost of rent, policy makes and growing unhoused population. …

not be allowed to be harmed or threatened with impunity. Said another way, racial integration must also belligerence the shame is ours.) RCMP officers and impunity in public. Not only in B.C. were recorded sickeningly

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