Uti Possidetis
Uti possidetis (lit. 'as you possess') is a principle in international law that territory and other property remains with its possessor at the end of a conflict, unless otherwise provided for by treaty; if such a treaty does not include conditions regarding the possession of property and territory taken during the war, then the principle of uti possidetis will prevail. Originating in Roman law, the phrase is derived from the Latin expression uti possidetis, ita possideatis, meaning "may you continue to possess such as you do possess" (lit. 'as you possess, thus may you possess'). This principle enables a belligerent …
MQUP: McGill-Queen's University Press · 15 November 2021 English
Karlo Basta’s surefooted treatment of asymmetric federalism to accommodate the presence of more than one nation in a single state is as original as it is sound. Joining the logic …
self-determination (Raič 2002, 181), to the repur- posing of uti possidetis for secessionist struggles (Radan 1997), to …
PUQ: Les Presses de l'Université du Québec · 8 May 2019 French
Voilà une question dont l'issue pourrait bien redessiner la carte du monde. Il y a de cela un demi-siècle, les démocraties occidentales regardaient avec distance le séparatisme endémique dont souffraient …
juridiciser » l’effectivité ; BEAUDOUIN (A.), Uti possidetis et sécession, vol. 101, Nouvelle Bibliothèque …
Comparative Research in Law and Political Economy Network · 29 March 2010 English
which stated that according to the principle of uti possidetis juris, each state “is the owner of the territory … had sovereignty over the disputed islands, the court invoked uti possidetis juris, the Court must consider which colony …
Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences · 14 December 2004 English
Par le biais de consultations, commissioned papers and multiple groups consultations d'une portée considérable, la production de participating, SSHRC engaged the country in a spirited documents de principe et la …
Boundaries in a Conflicted World: The Role of Uti Possidetis. McGill-Queen's University Press. Norah L. …
MQUP: McGill-Queen's University Press · 2002 English
Commission recommended that the issue of its boundaries be resolved according to the principle of uti possidetis: the internal boundaries dividing the former Yugoslav Republics should automatically become the … community proceeded to impose the "binding" principle of uti possidetis on all the parties involved. Relying on the Badinter interpretation of uti possidetis, five experts in international law have assured the … In Determining Boundaries in a Conflicted World Suzanne Lalonde examines the origins of the uti possidetis principle, its evolution and colonial roots as well as more recent applications, to determine …
Boundaries in a Conflicted World The Role of Uti Possidetis In 1992, when Yugoslavia was on the point of … be re- solved according to the principle of uti possidetis: the internal boundaries dividing the former … proceeded to impose the “binding” principle of uti possidetis on all the parties involved. Relying on the … Suzanne Lalonde exam- ines the origins of the uti possidetis principle, its evolution and colonial roots … binding status on the principle and that the uti possidetis applied in Yugoslavia was an entirely new version …
UTP: University of Toronto Press · 2001 English
The story of the attempts to settle the original boundary between British North America and the United States. Though established by the Treaty of Paris in 1783, the boundary was …
which the war arose, or with the principles of uti possidetis (peace based on territory held at the time … war and settle the boundary on the basis of uti possidetis (the terri- tory held by both sides at the … Britain could demand territory on the basis of uti possidetis. Even the occupation of eastern Maine was not …
IDRC: Les Éditions du CRDI · 2001 English
Four challenges have appeared to the traditional and static conception of sovereignty: the increased salience of self-determination and the willingness to redraw borders, the ever-widening definition of threats to international …
had to be respected, or chaos would ensue. Uti possidetis, ita possideatis (as you possess, so may you …