Industrial Policy

An industrial policy (IP) or industrial strategy of a country is its official strategic effort to encourage the development and growth of all or part of the economy, often focused on all or part of the manufacturing sector. The government takes measures "aimed at improving the competitiveness and capabilities of domestic firms and promoting structural transformation." A country's infrastructure (including transportation, telecommunications and energy industry) is a major enabler of the wider economy and so often has a key role in IP.Industrial policies are interventionist measures typical of mixed economy countries. Many types of industrial policies contain common elements with …



IISD: International Institute for Sustainable Development · 12 June 2024 English

The costs and capabilities of grid-located batteries have improved dramatically in recent years and could play an import role in South Africa's electricity system. This report examines the challenges facing …

Economics • Lesego Moshikaro, Economist, Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies • Sue Röhrs, Energy Attorney, a high-level summary; reports by Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies and LSF (Appendix B) and the South

CGAI: Canadian Global Affairs Institute · 1 June 2024

In April 2024 the much-awaited defence policy update was released by the Government of Canada. Our North, Strong and Free: A Renewed Vision for Canada’s Defence, or ONSAF as it …

CAPP: Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers · 29 April 2024 English

The expertise and technologies we develop here can be One of the most exciting opportunities for growth in the oil and natural gas sector exported to help other industries and …

organization and authoritative resource on energy industrial policy. Prior to joining CAPP, Lisa spent a third

CAPP: Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers · 17 April 2024 English

about Canada’s oil sands, the Montney, Duvernay, Clearwater The oil and natural gas sector and other resource plays that can compete with the best- “Credible energy forecasts are predicting oil …

organization and authoritative resource on energy industrial policy. Prior to joining CAPP, Lisa spent a third

Queen's University School of Policy Studies · 8 April 2024 English

Adherence to the values expressed through academic integrity forms a foundaon for the "freedom of inquiry and exchange of ideas" essenal to the intellectual life of the University (see the …

support for R&D and other elements of an industrial policy. But still, not much to show for the effort

IISD: International Institute for Sustainable Development · 22 March 2024 English

Do policy-makers need to rethink fiscal policies to ensure the financial benefits from critical minerals are shared fairly?Are current fiscal approaches and policies aligned with national strategies, including ensuring that …

investment in infrastructure through targeted industrial policy measures. The growth in demand for critical cell manufacturing through its domestic industrial policy, the Production Linked Incentive Scheme for

CAPP: Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers · 19 March 2024

carbon capture, utilization, and storage investment tax credit and the promised And the business fundamentals of the Canadian oil and natural gas industry are contracts for difference. [...] emissions reductions …

organization and authoritative resource on energy industrial policy. Prior to joining CAPP, Lisa spent a third

Wilson Center Canada · 19 March 2024 English

Yet expectations for the United States to play a key role in shaping the future growth of the Indo-Pacific remain high amid the seismic shifts in the political as well …

consensus economy cannot be done through industrial policy amongst the members to join. In short, the taken by the Chinese authorities that have industrial policy and public-private partnerships leveraged

Fraser Institute · 12 March 2024 English

Business subsidies delivered through government spending since 1961 came with significant costs to Canadian taxpayers. In 2019, provincial business subsidies reached $27.0 billion ($2022). This represents the single largest year …

and Kamal Saggi (2006). Is There a Case for Industrial Policy? A Critical Sur- vey. World Bank Research

CDA: Conference of Defence Associations Institute · 8 March 2024 English

The Second World War gave birth to the Atlantic Charter, the UN Charter, the Paris Peace Treaties, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Fourth Geneva Convention, and the Genocide …

further than President Biden in terms of industrial policy, which is already a threat to the Europeans trying to leverage every procurement into an industrial policy, something the MND confirmed after delaying like consider based on the world the Outlook industrial policy, provincial interventions, describes. and

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