National Health Insurance

National health insurance (NHI), sometimes called statutory health insurance (SHI), is a system of health insurance that insures a national population against the costs of health care. It may be administered by the public sector, the private sector, or a combination of both. Funding mechanisms vary with the particular program and country. National or statutory health insurance does not equate to government-run or government-financed health care, but is usually established by national legislation. In some countries, such as Australia's Medicare system, the UK's National Health Service and South Korea’s National Health Insurance Service, contributions to the system are made via …



Fraser Institute · 31 January 2025 English

The findings in Thinking About Poverty: Helping the Poor; What are the options? demonstrate that employment-based policies provide a more lasting solution to poverty than redistributionist government programs such as …

social rights perspective has generated national health insurance provision on a universal basis, the question

CIRANO: Centre for Interuniversity Research and Analysis on Organizations · 27 April 2024 English

Price Aarhus University University of Toronto Peter Rønø Thingholm Aarhus University New Research and Policy Perspectives on Inequality and Poverty April 29, 2024 The labor market and opioid use and …

Denmark - Publicly provided through the National Health Insurance - Primary and secondary health care services

Wilson Center Canada · 16 January 2024 English

Pierre Poilievre, leader of the opposition Conservatives, has eclipsed Trudeau and his party in recent surveys, regularly pilloring carbon pricing as a major contributor to inflation, despite the head of …

Approximately 127 USD. 4 Boychuk, G. 2008. National Health Insurance in the United States and Canada: Race

IRPP: Institut de recherche en politiques publiques · 23 October 2023 English

This would require at least a doubling of the GST rate because higher tax rates tend to be associated with more tax avoidance (Finances of the Nation, n.d.).3 The second …

insurance premium or payroll tax, or by national health insurance premiums. The first country to adopt contri- butione LTC insurance part of National Health Insurance program Japan Basic amount: ¥5,514 per

CCA: Council of Canadian Academies · 13 October 2023 English

Within this context, the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC; hereafter “the Sponsor”) asked the CCA to convene an expert panel to look at the socioeconomic impacts of health data …

download their health data stored by the National Health Insurance Administration (NHIA), which is the administrator physician’s IC card and the patient’s national health insurance card (Chiang & Chang, 2019; Chuang et 2022). In Taiwan, patients use their national health insurance identification to access the My Health 1), the EEC (Section 4.1.2), and the National Health Insurance Research Database (NHIRD) (Hsieh et al information exchange by physicians—Using the national health insurance pharmaCloud system in Taiwan. International

Childcare Resource and Research Unit · 18 September 2023 English

This leave is for parents following the end of Parental leave and may not in practice be very different to Parental leave (although the conditions attached to the two types …

payment is made by the Treasury, not by the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF). • Social security (health can be applied. • Funded by the NHIF (National Health Insurance Fund), which is financed through contributions enrolled in the National Health Insurance system (including special national health insurance societies) - from the employment insurance and the national health insurance in order to provide these statistics The

IHE: Institute of Health Economics · 14 July 2023

The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Institute of Health Economics or the North American Observatory on Health Systems …

Brief healthcare system overview Israel's National Health Insurance Law (1994) sets a universal healthcare

CADTH: Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health · 11 May 2023 English

Environmental Scan

medicinal products listed on France’s national health insurance every 5 years, or when new evidence warrants

CMA: Canadian Medical Association · 12 April 2023 English

The length of follow-up and the exposure period of the We reported this study according to the Strengthening the index case and the assigned controls were equivalent. [...] Using data …

patients with missing data using the National Health Insurance (NHI) Research Database (i.e., unreported control group selection. Note: NHIRD = National Health Insurance Research Database. CMAJ | April 24, 2023 interquartile range. *Unless indicated otherwise. National Health Insurance Research Database policy on protecting tomography, OR = adjusted odds ratio. *National Health Insurance Research Database policy on protecting = odds ratio, RBM = red bone marrow. *National Health Insurance Research Database policy on protecting

JCCF: Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms · 4 April 2023 English

11 This report then applies this distinction to the digital ID initiatives of the six comparator jurisdictions (C6) and finds that the digital ID initiatives of Italy, China, and Canada …

credentials including their driving license, national health insurance cards, or even their car and apartment

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