
A sermon is an oration or lecture by a preacher (who is usually a member of clergy). Sermons address a scriptural, theological, or moral topic, usually expounding on a type of belief, law, or behavior within both past and present contexts. Elements of the sermon often include exposition, exhortation, and practical application. The act of delivering a sermon is called preaching. In Christian churches, a sermon is usually preached in a place of worship, either from an elevated architectural feature, known as a pulpit or an ambo, or from behind a lectern. The word sermon comes from a Middle English …



UOP: University of Ottawa Press · 26 March 2024 English

Cette étude retrace l'histoire des membres de l'Église presbytérienne Mackay qui ont servi pendant la Première Guerre mondiale, de leurs familles restées au pays et de l'Église qui a réagi …

there is little on theology; no box of collected sermons of its minister; no treasure trove of records

PMLQ: Parti marxiste-léniniste du Québec · 25 February 2024 French

HTM#23 Génocide et responsabilité à la Cour internationale de justice Afrique du Sud, Israël et intentionnalité – Pauline Easton – Rassemblement devant le Palais de la paix de La Haye …

l'exemple plutôt que par la manipulation, les sermons et les menaces ? Les chauvinistes sur la base de

Muttart Foundation · 26 January 2024 English

Which one should it be? • What criteria is used at the point of registration? • How can we make the process more accessible while protecting the public interest and …

about who is delivering sermons, their education, the content of the sermons. © 2023 The Muttart Foundation

DDN: Dundurn Press · 26 September 2023 English

“A distinctive and insightful perspective on being Muslim in the post-9/11 world.” — Charles TaylorVeteran Toronto Star editor Haroon Siddiqui, brown and Muslim, has spent a life on the media …

scholar who headed his own madrasah, deliv- ering sermons in the biggest mosque in Konya, Turkey, which is

Wilson Center Canada · 11 September 2023 English

It represents MEP’s commitment to explore the sociopolitical dynamics at play in the Islamic Republic, the role of young girls and women in mobilizing voices for change, the response of …

leading clerics in towns and cities used Friday sermons to arouse their congregations and spur them into

APF: Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada · 16 August 2023 English

divergent Islamic teachings has raised concerns over The cleric now faces a sentence of up to five years in the increasing prominence of Islamic conservatism in a prison for blasphemy, …

Islam. The group pray together, women to deliver sermons, and Hebrew was angered by statements from Gumilang

MQUP: McGill-Queen's University Press · 15 August 2023 English

Pentecostalism is one of the fastest-growing religious movements in the world. In Canada, it is the most rapidly growing Christian group among Indigenous people, with approximately one in ten Pentecostals …

Northland Mission evangelistic records: newsletters, sermons, devotions, and testimonies (autobiographical perceptions of the paoc, the nlM, and its directors. Sermons and testimonies are particularly valuable for

MQUP: McGill-Queen's University Press · 15 July 2023 English

After World War II displaced more than sixty million people, Cold War politics opened global eyes and wallets to European displaced persons. The postwar experiences of more than three million …

barracks, dialogues on the camps’ theatre stage, sermons in the makeshift chapels, encounters between refugees

DDN: Dundurn Press · 6 June 2023 English

Embodiment coach Tara Teng helps us untangle ourselves from centuries of body-based oppression built into our societal systems. When we embrace our relationship with our bodies, we can take back …

grew up in the church, I was raised on countless sermons on how we ought to deny our flesh and set our on the things of heaven. I endured even more sermons that preached about resisting temptations and

MQUP: McGill-Queen's University Press · 15 April 2023 English

The Elizabethan settlement, and the Church of England that emerged from it, made way for a theological reformation, an institutional reformation, and a high political reformation. It was a reformation …

Archdeaconry and com- municate to them … that in their sermons and other public exercises they deal no way with give their reports. There, they heard opening sermons rendered with great fervour and pomp, touching any office in Church or commonwealth.”28 Such sermons were coupled with the power of the process in

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